package devkit

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
module IO : IO_TYPE
val with_curl : (Curl.t -> 'a IO.t) -> 'a IO.t
val with_curl_cache : (Curl.t -> 'a IO.t) -> 'a IO.t
val http_gets : ?setup:(CurlCache.t -> unit) -> ?max_size:int -> ?check:(CurlCache.t -> bool) -> ?result:(CurlCache.t -> Curl.curlCode -> unit IO.t) -> string -> [ `Error of Curl.curlCode | `Ok of int * string ] IO.t
type ('body, 'ret) http_request_ = ?ua:string -> ?timeout:int -> ?verbose:bool -> ?setup:(CurlCache.t -> unit) -> ?max_size:int -> ?http_1_0:bool -> ?headers:string list -> ?body:'body -> http_action -> string -> 'ret IO.t
type 'ret http_request = ([ `Form of (string * string) list | `Raw of string * string ], 'ret) http_request_
val http_request' : [> `Error of Curl.curlCode | `Ok of int * string ] http_request
val http_request : [> `Error of string | `Ok of string ] http_request
val http_request_exn : string http_request
val http_query : (string * string, [> `Error of string | `Ok of string ]) http_request_
val http_submit : ?ua:string -> ?timeout:int -> ?verbose:bool -> ?setup:(CurlCache.t -> unit) -> ?http_1_0:bool -> ?headers:string list -> ?action:http_action -> string -> (string * string) list -> [> `Error of string | `Ok of string ] IO.t