package core

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
type 'a t
include sig ... end
val t_of_sexp : (Sexplib.Sexp.t -> 'a) -> Sexplib.Sexp.t -> 'a t
val sexp_of_t : ('a -> Sexplib.Sexp.t) -> 'a t -> Sexplib.Sexp.t
val create : ('a Interval.bound_ * 'a Interval.bound_) list -> 'a t

create creates an interval set containing intervals whose lower and upper bounds are given by the pairs passed to the function. It is an error if the pairs overlap.

val create_from_intervals : 'a Interval.t list -> 'a t

create_from_intervals creates an interval set. Empty intervals are dropped. It is an error if the nonempty intervals are not disjoint.

val contains : 'a t -> 'a Interval.bound_ -> bool
val contains_set : container:'a t -> contained:'a t -> bool

contains_set returns true iff for every interval in the contained set, there exists an interval in the container set that is its superset.

val ubound_exn : 'a t -> 'a Interval.bound_

The largest and smallest element of the interval set, respectively. Raises Invalid_argument on empty sets.

val lbound_exn : 'a t -> 'a Interval.bound_
val ubound : 'a t -> 'a Interval.bound_ option
val lbound : 'a t -> 'a Interval.bound_ option

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