package core

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Industrial strength alternative to OCaml's standard library


Dune Dependency






The Core suite of libraries is an industrial strength alternative to OCaml's standard library that was developed by Jane Street, the largest industrial user of OCaml.

Published: 19 Dec 2017


Core is an industrial-strength alternative to the OCaml standard library. It was developed by Jane Street, which is the largest industrial user of OCaml.

Core provides an overlay on the usual namespace, so the best way to use Core is to start your file with:

open Core

In the case of bugs, feature requests and similar, you can contact us at You can find all of Jane Street's open-source libraries on our github account. Documentation can be found here.

Dependencies (13)

  1. ocaml-migrate-parsetree >= "0.4" & < "2.0.0"
  2. jbuilder >= "1.0+beta12"
  3. base-threads
  4. stdio >= "v0.10" & < "v0.11"
  5. spawn >= "v0.10" & < "v0.11"
  6. sexplib >= "v0.10" & < "v0.11"
  7. ppx_jane >= "v0.10" & < "v0.11"
  8. ppx_driver >= "v0.10" & < "v0.11"
  9. ppx_assert >= "v0.10" & < "v0.11"
  10. core_kernel >= "v0.10" & < "v0.11"
  11. configurator >= "v0.10" & < "v0.11"
  12. base >= "v0.10" & < "v0.11"
  13. ocaml >= "4.04.1" & < "4.12.0"

Dev Dependencies


  1. alcotest-async >= "1.3.0" & < "1.6.0"
  2. amf
  3. anthill
  4. anycache-async
  5. arakoon >= "1.9.17"
  6. arrayjit
  7. async = "v0.10.0"
  8. async-mvar
  9. async-zmq >= "0.1.0"
  10. async_extended = "v0.10.0"
  11. async_extra < "108.00.02" | = "v0.10.0"
  12. async_find = "v0.10.0"
  13. async_inotify = "v0.10.0"
  14. async_interactive = "v0.10.0"
  15. async_parallel = "v0.10.0"
  16. async_sendfile < "v0.11.0"
  17. async_shell = "v0.10.0"
  18. async_smtp = "v0.10.0"
  19. async_ssl = "v0.10.0"
  20. async_unix < "108.00.02" | = "v0.10.0"
  21. aws-s3 < "1.1.0" | >= "2.0.0" & < "4.0.0"
  22. awsm-codegen
  23. azblob-async
  24. binaryen_dsl
  25. bistro != "0.2.0" & < "0.4.0"
  26. boulangerie
  27. camlix
  28. capnp >= "3.0.0" & < "3.3.0"
  29. caqti-async < "1.2.0" | >= "1.9.0" & < "2.1.1"
  30. caravan
  31. cfstream < "1.1.2"
  32. cohttp-async >= "1.1.1"
  33. cohttp-curl-async < "6.0.0~alpha2"
  34. comby
  35. command_rpc = "v0.10.0"
  36. conduit-async >= "1.2.0" & < "5.1.1"
  37. conduit-async-ssl
  38. conduit-async-tls
  39. core_bench = "v0.10.0"
  40. core_extended = "v0.10.0"
  41. core_profiler = "v0.10.0"
  42. cstruct-async >= "6.1.0"
  43. csvfields = "v0.10.0"
  44. cuid
  45. delimited_parsing < "v0.11.0"
  46. dune-expand
  47. email_message = "v0.10.0"
  48. expect_test_helpers = "v0.10.0"
  49. facebook-sdk >= "0.3.1"
  50. finch
  51. flow < "0.2"
  52. frenetic = "2.0.0" | >= "3.1.0" & != "5.0.0" & < "5.0.3"
  53. gen_server
  54. gnuplot = "0.5.3"
  55. gpr != "1.2.2" & < "1.5.0"
  56. grace
  57. hack_parallel != "1.0.0"
  58. horned_worm >= "0.3.1" & < "0.3.7"
  59. ibx < "0.5.9" | = "0.7.2" | >= "0.8.0"
  60. incremental = "v0.10.0"
  61. jane-street-tests
  62. jenga = "v0.10.0"
  63. libsvm < "0.9.3"
  64. line-up-words < "v0.11.0"
  65. liquid_interpreter >= "0.1.2"
  66. liquid_ml >= "0.1.2"
  67. liquid_parser >= "0.1.2"
  68. liquid_std >= "0.1.2"
  69. liquid_syntax >= "0.1.2"
  70. magic-trace
  71. mqtt_client
  72. neural_nets_lib
  73. nocoiner
  74. numalib
  75. obeanstalk
  76. ocaml_plugin = "v0.10.0"
  77. ocamlapi
  78. ocamlapi_ppx
  79. opam-sync-github-prs
  80. openflow >= "0.3.0" & < "0.9.0"
  81. opium < "0.12.0"
  82. oraft < "0.3.0"
  83. osbx < "1.1.1"
  84. osm_xml
  85. ox >= "1.1.0"
  86. oxylc
  87. packstream
  88. patdiff = "v0.10.0"
  89. petr4
  90. pg_query < "0.9.6"
  91. polars
  92. polars_async
  93. ppx_bitstring < "1.3.0"
  94. ppx_rapper < "1.0.1"
  95. primes < "1.3.5"
  96. prob-cache
  97. protocell
  98. res_tailwindcss
  99. riakc >= "1.0.0"
  100. riakc_ppx != "3.1.3"
  101. rpc_parallel = "v0.10.0"
  102. safemoney < "0.2.0"
  103. sarif < "0.2.1"
  104. satyrographos < ""
  105. sill
  106. sociaml-tumblr-api < "0.2.0"
  107. spatial_index
  108. stationary
  109. textutils = "v0.10.0"
  110. tldr < "0.3.0"
  111. tube < "4.1.1"
  112. vrt
  113. websocket-async < "2.14"
  114. yara




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