package coq
type matching_var_kind =
| FirstOrderPatVar of Misctypes.patvar
| SecondOrderPatVar of Misctypes.patvar
type t =
| ImplicitArg of Globnames.global_reference * int * Names.Id.t option * bool
| BinderType of Names.Name.t
| NamedHole of Names.Id.t
| QuestionMark of obligation_definition_status * Names.Name.t
| CasesType of bool
| InternalHole
| TomatchTypeParameter of Names.inductive * int
| GoalEvar
| ImpossibleCase
| MatchingVar of matching_var_kind
| VarInstance of Names.Id.t
| SubEvar of Constr.existential_key
sectionYPositions = computeSectionYPositions($el), 10)"
x-init="setTimeout(() => sectionYPositions = computeSectionYPositions($el), 10)"