package coq

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type obligation_definition_status =
  1. | Define of bool
  2. | Expand
type matching_var_kind =
  1. | FirstOrderPatVar of Misctypes.patvar
  2. | SecondOrderPatVar of Misctypes.patvar
type t =
  1. | ImplicitArg of Globnames.global_reference * int * Names.Id.t option * bool
  2. | BinderType of Names.Name.t
  3. | NamedHole of Names.Id.t
  4. | QuestionMark of obligation_definition_status * Names.Name.t
  5. | CasesType of bool
  6. | InternalHole
  7. | TomatchTypeParameter of Names.inductive * int
  8. | GoalEvar
  9. | ImpossibleCase
  10. | MatchingVar of matching_var_kind
  11. | VarInstance of Names.Id.t
  12. | SubEvar of Constr.existential_key

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