package coq

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type global_reference =
  1. | VarRef of Names.variable
  2. | ConstRef of Names.constant
  3. | IndRef of Names.inductive
  4. | ConstructRef of Names.constructor
val isVarRef : global_reference -> bool
val isConstRef : global_reference -> bool
val isIndRef : global_reference -> bool
val isConstructRef : global_reference -> bool
val eq_gr : global_reference -> global_reference -> bool
val canonical_gr : global_reference -> global_reference
val destVarRef : global_reference -> Names.variable
val destConstRef : global_reference -> Names.constant
val destIndRef : global_reference -> Names.inductive
val destConstructRef : global_reference -> Names.constructor
val is_global : global_reference -> Term.constr -> bool
val subst_global_reference : Mod_subst.substitution -> global_reference -> global_reference
val printable_constr_of_global : global_reference -> Term.constr
val global_of_constr : Term.constr -> global_reference
val reference_of_constr : Term.constr -> global_reference
module RefOrdered : sig ... end
module RefOrdered_env : sig ... end
module Refset : sig ... end
module Refmap : sig ... end
module Refset_env : sig ... end
module Refmap_env : sig ... end
type syndef_name = Names.kernel_name
type extended_global_reference =
  1. | TrueGlobal of global_reference
  2. | SynDef of syndef_name
module ExtRefOrdered : sig ... end
type global_reference_or_constr =
  1. | IsGlobal of global_reference
  2. | IsConstr of Term.constr
val pop_global_reference : global_reference -> global_reference

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