package coq-core

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
  • deprecated This module is internal and should not be used, instead, thread the proof state
exception NoCurrentProof
val there_are_pending_proofs : unit -> bool
val get_open_goals : unit -> int
val give_me_the_proof : unit -> Proof.t
val give_me_the_proof_opt : unit -> Proof.t option
val get_current_proof_name : unit -> Names.Id.t
val map_proof : (Proof.t -> Proof.t) -> unit
val with_current_proof : (unit Proofview.tactic -> Proof.t -> Proof.t * 'a) -> 'a
val return_proof : unit -> Declare.Proof.closed_proof_output
val close_proof : opaque:Vernacexpr.opacity_flag -> keep_body_ucst_separate:bool -> Declare.Proof.proof_object
val discard_all : unit -> unit
val update_sigma_univs : UGraph.t -> unit
val get_current_context : unit -> Evd.evar_map * Environ.env
val get_all_proof_names : unit -> Names.Id.t list
val copy_terminators : src:LemmaStack.t option -> tgt:LemmaStack.t option -> LemmaStack.t option
val get_program : unit -> Declare.OblState.t NeList.t
val set : (LemmaStack.t option * Declare.OblState.t NeList.t) -> unit
val get_pstate : unit -> Declare.Proof.t option
val unfreeze : LemmaStack.t -> unit

Innovation. Community. Security.