package coq-core

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type


module L : Plexing.S


module EState : sig ... end
module GState : sig ... end
include S with type keyword_state := L.keyword_state and type 'a with_gstate := GState.t -> 'a and type 'a with_kwstate := L.keyword_state -> 'a and type 'a with_estate := EState.t -> 'a and type 'a mod_estate := EState.t -> EState.t * 'a with type te := L.te with type 'c pattern := 'c L.pattern
type ty_pattern =
  1. | TPattern : 'a L.pattern -> ty_pattern

Type combinators to factor the module type between explicit state passing in Grammar and global state in Pcoq

module Parsable : sig ... end
module Entry : sig ... end
module Symbol : sig ... end
module Rule : sig ... end
module Rules : sig ... end
module Production : sig ... end
type 'a single_extend_statement = string option * Gramext.g_assoc option * 'a Production.t list
type 'a extend_statement =
  1. | Reuse of string option * 'a Production.t list

    Extend an existing level by its optional given name. If None, picks the topmost level.

  2. | Fresh of Gramext.position * 'a single_extend_statement list

    Create a level at the given position.

val generalize_symbol : ('a, 'tr, 'c) Symbol.t -> ('b, norec, 'c) Symbol.t option
val level_of_nonterm : ('a, norec, 'c) Symbol.t -> string option
type 's add_kw = {
  1. add_kw : 'c. 's -> 'c L.pattern -> 's;
val safe_extend : 's add_kw -> EState.t -> 's -> 'a Entry.t -> 'a extend_statement -> EState.t * 's
val safe_delete_rule : EState.t -> 'a Entry.t -> 'a Production.t -> EState.t
module Unsafe : sig ... end

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