package containers

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

Interface to 1-dimension Bigarrays of bytes (char)

  • since 0.7
val create : int -> t

Create a new bigstring of the given size.

val empty : t

Empty string

val init : int -> (int -> char) -> t

Initialize with the given function (called at every index)

val fill : t -> char -> unit

Fill with a single byte

val size : t -> int

Number of bytes

val length : t -> int

Alias for size.

  • since 0.8
val get : t -> int -> char
val set : t -> int -> char -> unit
val blit : t -> int -> t -> int -> int -> unit

Blit a slice of the bigstring into another

val copy : t -> t

Copy of the string

val sub : t -> int -> int -> t

sub s i len takes a slice of length len from the string s, starting at offset i.

  • raises Invalid_argument

    if i, len doesn't designate a valid substring

val fold : ('a -> char -> 'a) -> 'a -> t -> 'a
val iter : (char -> unit) -> t -> unit
val equal : t -> t -> bool
val compare : t -> t -> int

Lexicographic order


val to_bytes : t -> Bytes.t
val of_bytes : Bytes.t -> t
val of_bytes_slice : Bytes.t -> int -> int -> t
val sub_bytes : t -> int -> int -> Bytes.t
val blit_to_bytes : t -> int -> Bytes.t -> int -> int -> unit
val blit_of_bytes : Bytes.t -> int -> t -> int -> int -> unit
val to_string : t -> string
val of_string : string -> t
val of_string_slice : string -> int -> int -> t
val sub_string : t -> int -> int -> string
val blit_of_string : string -> int -> t -> int -> int -> unit
type 'a gen = unit -> 'a option
type 'a sequence = ('a -> unit) -> unit
val to_seq : t -> char sequence
val to_gen : t -> char gen
val to_seq_slice : t -> int -> int -> char sequence
val to_gen_slice : t -> int -> int -> char gen


val with_map_file : ?pos:int64 -> ?len:int -> ?mode:int -> ?flags:Pervasives.open_flag list -> ?shared:bool -> string -> (t -> 'a) -> 'a

with_map_file name f maps the file into memory, opening it, and call f with a slice pos.... pos+len of the bytes of the file where len is the length of the file if not provided. When f returns, the file is closed.

  • parameter pos

    offset in the file (default 0)

  • parameter shared

    if true, modifications are shared between processes that have mapped this file (requires the filedescr to be open in write mode).

  • parameter mode

    the mode for the file, if it's created

val map_file_descr : ?pos:int64 -> ?shared:bool -> Unix.file_descr -> int -> t

map_file_descr descr len is a lower-level access to an underlying file descriptor.

  • parameter shared

    if true, modifications are shared between processes that have mapped this file (requires the filedescr to be open in write mode). see Bigarray.Array1.map_file for more details


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