package containers

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

Imperative Bitvectors

type t
val empty : unit -> t

Empty bitvector

val create : size:int -> bool -> t

Create a bitvector of given size, with given default value

val copy : t -> t

Copy of bitvector

val cardinal : t -> int

Number of bits set

val length : t -> int

Length of underlying array

val resize : t -> int -> unit

Resize the BV so that it has at least the given physical length

val is_empty : t -> bool

Any bit set?

val set : t -> int -> unit

Set i-th bit.

val get : t -> int -> bool

Is the i-th bit true? Returns false if the index is too high

val reset : t -> int -> unit

Set i-th bit to 0

val flip : t -> int -> unit

Flip i-th bit

val clear : t -> unit

Set every bit to 0

val iter : t -> (int -> bool -> unit) -> unit

Iterate on all bits

val iter_true : t -> (int -> unit) -> unit

Iterate on bits set to 1

val to_list : t -> int list

List of indexes that are true

val to_sorted_list : t -> int list

Same as to_list, but also guarantees the list is sorted in increasing order

val of_list : int list -> t

From a list of true bits

val first : t -> int

First set bit, or

  • raises Not_found

    if all bits are 0

val filter : t -> (int -> bool) -> unit

filter bv p only keeps the true bits of bv whose index satisfies p index

val union_into : into:t -> t -> unit

union ~into bv sets into to the union of itself and bv.

val inter_into : into:t -> t -> unit

union ~into bv sets into to the intersection of itself and bv

val union : t -> t -> t

union bv1 bv2 returns the union of the two sets

val inter : t -> t -> t

Intersection of bitvectors

val select : t -> 'a array -> 'a list

select arr bv selects the elements of arr whose index correspond to a true bit in bv. If bv is too short, elements of arr with too high an index cannot be selected and are therefore not selected.

val selecti : t -> 'a array -> ('a * int) list

Same as select, but selected elements are paired with their index

type 'a sequence = ('a -> unit) -> unit
val to_seq : t -> int sequence
val of_seq : int sequence -> t

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