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OCaml code evaluation. This module is present only in the bytecode version of chamo and defines commands to evaluate OCaml code in the editor itself, to modify is behaviour, add commands, etc...
This module also adds a command line option --run taking a filename whose contents must be evaluated at launch time.
val init_file : string
The user's init file evaluated at launch time. This file should contain OCaml source code.
val prompt_eval : string array->unit Lwt.t
This is the code of the default "prompt_eval" command. It uses the active window's minibuffer to ask the user for some code to evaluate.
val eval_file : string array->unit Lwt.t
This is the code of the default "eval_file" command. It tries to evaluate the file whose name is in first parameter. If there is no argument, then the active window's minibuffer is used to make the user select a file.
val load_file : string array->unit Lwt.t
This is the code of the default "load_file" command. It tries to load the ocaml bytecode file whose name is in first parameter. If there is no argument, then the active window's minibuffer is used to make the user select a file.
val eval_ocaml : string array-> unit
Code of the default "eval" command. It evaluates the OCaml source code given as first argument. If no argument is given, then the "prompt_eval" command is called.