package chamo

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

OCamlbuild support, with some useful stuff for ocaml compilation handling.

val commands : (string, string) Stdlib.Hashtbl.t

The associations between a file and a compilation command. This table is used to propose to the user the last compilation command used for a given file.

val default_build_command : string -> string

Generate a default command to launch ocamlbuild on the given ocaml file, depending on the current working directory.

val output_name : string

The name of the default ocamlbuild output.

val ocamlbuild_output : unit -> Outputs.text_output

Return the ocamlbuild output object (see Outputs.text_output). The output is created if it does not exist.

val goto_error : string -> start:(int * int) -> stop:(int * int) -> string -> unit

goto_error file ~start ~stop message can be used to position the active sourceview on the given file, on the given start (line, char on line) position and select on this line the characters from start to stop. The message is displayed in the message zone of the view's window. This function is used to position the user on a compilation problem.

type problem = {
  1. pb_file : string;
  2. pb_lstart : int;
  3. pb_lstop : int;
  4. pb_cstart : int;
  5. pb_cstop : int;
  6. pb_kind : [ `Error of string | `Warning of char * string ];

    The error/warning message, with a character defining the kind of warning.


To represent a compilation problem.

val warning_is_error : char -> bool

This function returns true if the warning corresponding to the given character must be considered as an error. It uses the "warn_error" global variable to know which warnings must be considered as errors. The signification of this variable is the same as the -warn-error option of ocamlc. This variable can be set with the command set_global warn_error Avd.

val analyze_ocaml_compilation : (problem -> bool) -> string -> unit

analyze_ocaml_compilation f text looks, in the ocaml compilation output text, for warnings and errors locations. When one is found, the f function is called. If this function returns true, then analyse_ocaml_compilation continues to look for the next problem, and so on. If f returns false, then the analyze is stopped.

val run : ?output:Outputs.text_output -> string -> unit Lwt.t

run command runs the given command, displays its output in the ocamlbuild output, and analyzes the output with the analyze_ocaml_compilation function, using the warning_is_error and goto_error functions to eventually position the active sourceview on the problem.

  • parameter output

    can be used to specify another output object to use.

val build : Sourceview.sourceview -> 'a -> unit Lwt.t

build view args proposes a compilation command which uses ocamlbuild, to compile the file edited in the sourceview. The used can modify the command before launching it. The run function above is used to run the compilation, display the result and eventually "jump" to the compilation problem.

The command used is associated to the edited file, and this association is stored in the directory where Chamo was launched, in the file Mode_ocaml_rc.local_rc_file. So the command is kept and proposed to the user when this function is called, rather than the default ocamlbuild command returned by default_build_command.


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