package bonsai

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
type 'col_id t = ('col_id * Dir.t) list
include Sexplib0.Sexpable.S1 with type 'col_id t := 'col_id t
val t_of_sexp : (Sexplib0.Sexp.t -> 'a) -> Sexplib0.Sexp.t -> 'a t
val sexp_of_t : ('a -> Sexplib0.Sexp.t) -> 'a t -> Sexplib0.Sexp.t
include Core.Bin_prot.Binable.S1 with type 'col_id t := 'col_id t
val bin_shape_t : Bin_prot.Shape.t -> Bin_prot.Shape.t
val bin_size_t : ('a, 'a t) Bin_prot.Size.sizer1
val bin_write_t : ('a, 'a t) Bin_prot.Write.writer1
val bin_read_t : ('a, 'a t) Bin_prot.Read.reader1
val __bin_read_t__ : ('a, int -> 'a t) Bin_prot.Read.reader1
val bin_writer_t : ('a, 'a t) Bin_prot.Type_class.S1.writer
val bin_reader_t : ('a, 'a t) Bin_prot.Type_class.S1.reader
val bin_t : ('a, 'a t) Bin_prot.Type_class.S1.t
include Ppx_compare_lib.Equal.S1 with type 'col_id t := 'col_id t
val equal : ('a -> 'a -> bool) -> 'a t -> 'a t -> bool
include Ppx_compare_lib.Comparable.S1 with type 'col_id t := 'col_id t
val compare : ('a -> 'a -> int) -> 'a t -> 'a t -> int
module Action : sig ... end
val apply_action : 'col_id t -> (module Col_id with type t = 'col_id) -> 'col_id Action.t -> 'col_id t

Performs ordering change. Action.t.Set_sort sets order on one column; Action.t.Add_sort maintains multiple column ordering, when the newest added sorting is the most priority. The order on one column is changed in a cycle fashion: Ascending -> Descending -> None -> Ascending.

val to_compare : 'col_id t -> sorters: ('col_id, ('key * 'data) -> ('key * 'data) -> int, 'col_cmp) Core.Map.t -> default_sort:(('key * 'data) -> ('key * 'data) -> int) option -> ('key, 'data, 'row_cmp) Incr_map_collate.Compare.t
val default : 'col_id t

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