package bonsai

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

only_when_visible runs the provided computation for at least one frame initially, and then if the node is visible, will keep that computation active, but if it ever becomes hidden, the computation is deactivated and the most recent computed vdom node is returned instead. Upon becoming visible again, the computation is reactivated.

visible_attr and hidden_attr are optional attributes that will be attached to the dom nodes based on their visibility status.

Like only_when_visible, but if the component returns more than just a vdom node, you can propagate the value to the outside. This value is Some when the computation is active, and otherwise None.

module Tracker : sig ... end

A lower-level API, Tracker.component returns an attribute that can be attached to a vdom node along with the status for the visibility of the node that the attribute was attached to.


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