package bistro

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type t = Bistro.u
type file_dump =
  1. | File_dump of {
    1. text : string;
    2. path : string;
type result =
  1. | Input_check of {
    1. path : string;
    2. pass : bool;
  2. | Select_check of {
    1. dir_path : string;
    2. sel : string list;
    3. pass : bool;
  3. | Step_result of {
    1. outcome : [ `Succeeded | `Missing_output | `Failed ];
    2. step : Bistro.step;
    3. exit_code : int;
    4. action : [ `Sh of string | `Eval ];
    5. file_dumps : file_dump list;
    6. cache : string option;
    7. stdout : string;
    8. stderr : string;
  4. | Map_command_result of {
    1. pass : bool;
    2. step : Bistro.step;
type config = private {
  1. db : Db.t;
  2. use_docker : bool;
  3. keep_all : bool;
  4. precious : Core.String.Set.t;
val config : db_path:string -> use_docker:bool -> keep_all:bool -> precious:Core.String.Set.t -> config
val id : t -> string
val equal : t -> t -> bool
val compare : t -> t -> int
val requirement : t -> Allocator.request
val perform : Allocator.resource -> config -> t -> result Lwt.t
val failure : result -> bool
val is_done : t -> config -> bool Lwt.t
val post_revdeps_hook : t -> config -> all_revdeps_succeeded:bool -> unit Lwt.t
val clean : t -> config -> unit Lwt.t

Innovation. Community. Security.