package b0

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type


Cmdlets are used to define custom software life-cycle procedures. Examples range from invoking linters on your sources to perform post build checks or actions.

See the cmdlet manual for a short introduction.

Cmdlets run in the same environment in which b0 is invoked (XXX lift that restriction ?).


type t

The type for cmdlets.

module Env : sig ... end

Cmdlet execution environments.

The type for cmdlet implementations. A function that given an execution context and command line arguments for the cmdlet should eventually specify a way to exit.

val v : ?doc:string -> ?meta:B0_meta.t -> string -> cmd -> t

v n ~doc ~meta cmd is a cmdlet named n implemented by cmd with doc string doc and metadata meta.

val cmd : t -> cmd

cmd c is the command of the cmdlet.


val exit_of_result : (unit, string) result -> B00_std.Os.Exit.t

exit_of_result v exits with B00_cli.Exit.ok if v is Ok () and logs the Error and exits with B00_cli.Exit.some_error if v is Error _.

val exit_of_result' : (B00_std.Os.Exit.t, string) result -> B00_std.Os.Exit.t

exit_of_result' v exits with if v is Ok e and logs the Error and exits with B00_cli.Exit.some_error if v is Error _.

val in_scope_dir : Env.t -> B00_std.Fpath.t -> B00_std.Fpath.t

in_scope_dir env p is Fpath.(Env.root_dir env // p)).

val in_root_dir : Env.t -> B00_std.Fpath.t -> B00_std.Fpath.t

in_scope_dir env p is Fpath.(Env.root_dir env // p)).

val in_scratch_dir : Env.t -> B00_std.Fpath.t -> B00_std.Fpath.t

in_scope_dir env p is Fpath.(Env.scratch_dir env // p)).

Script execution

exec_file exe e args executes the file exe with arguments cmd. The scope directory is used as the default cwd and to resolve relative exe paths.

exec_tool tool e args executes the tool exe with arguments cmd The scope directory is used as the default cwd. exe is looked up using B00_std.Os.Cmd.get_tool, if that fails the error is logged and we exit we and exits with B00_cli.Exit.some_error.

Command line interaction

Use B00_cli and B0_cli to parse cmdlet arguments and B00_cli.Exit for exit codes. Given a suitable Cmdliner term this function can be used to implement the cmdlet's command.

val eval : ?man_xrefs:Cmdliner.Manpage.xref list -> ?man:Cmdliner.Manpage.block list -> ?envs:Cmdliner.Term.env_info list -> ?exits:Cmdliner.Term.exit_info list -> ?sdocs:string -> ?docs:string -> ?doc:string -> ?version:string -> Env.t -> B00_std.Cmd.t -> B00_std.Os.Exit.t Cmdliner.Term.t -> B00_std.Os.Exit.t

eval e cmd t defines a cmdlet command by evaluating the cmdliner term t with arguments cmd. The menagerie of optional parameters define a value for the term, see the docs there. By default doc is derived from the cmdlet's doc string and exits is B00_cli.Exit.infos.

B0 definition API

include B0_def.S with type t := t

Named values

val define : ?doc:string -> ?meta:B0_meta.t -> string -> B0_def.def

define ~doc ~meta n defines name n in the current scope with documentation string doc (defaults to "undocumented")e and metadata meta (defaults to B0_meta.empty). Defining a duplicate value in a scope raises Duplicate.

val def_kind : string

def_kind is the kind of defined value.

val def : t -> B0_def.def

def v is the definition of value v.

val name : t -> string

name v is v's name.

val basename : t -> string

basename v is v's name without the scope.

val doc : t -> string

doc v is v's documentation string.

val equal : t -> t -> bool

equal v0 v1 is true iff v0 and v1 have the same name.

val compare : t -> t -> int

compare v0 v1 sorts v0 and v0 in lexicographical order.


val meta : t -> B0_meta.t

meta v is v's metadata.

val has_meta : 'a B0_meta.key -> t -> bool

has_meta k u is B0_meta.mem k (B0_unit.meta u).

val find_meta : 'a B0_meta.key -> t -> 'a option

find_meta k u is B0_meta.find k (B0_unit.meta u).

val get_meta : 'a B0_meta.key -> t -> ('a, string) result

get_meta m k u is Ok v if find_meta k u is Some v and a final user friendly error message if None.

Add & Lookup

val add : t -> unit

add v adds the value v to the list of defined values.

val list : unit -> t list

list () is the list of units.

val find : string -> t option

find n is the value named n (if any).

val get : string -> t

get n looks up the value named n and errors the B0 file if there no such n.

val get_or_suggest : string -> (t, t list) result

get_or_suggest n is the value named n or a (possibly empty) list of suggested values whose name could match n.

val get_or_hint : string -> (t, string) result

get_or_hint n is the value named n or an error message that indicates that n could not be found with suggested names.

val get_list_or_hint : ?empty_means_all:bool -> string list -> (t list, string) result

get_list_or_hint ns are the value named ns or an error that indicates the names that could not be found with suggested names. If empty_means_all is true (defaults to false) an empty ns returns list () sorted by name.


val pp_name_str : string B00_std.Fmt.t

pp_name_str v pretty prints value names.

val pp_name : t B00_std.Fmt.t

pp_name v formats v's name.

val pp_doc : t B00_std.Fmt.t

pp_doc formats v's doc string.

val pp_synopsis : t B00_std.Fmt.t

pp_synopsis formats v's name and its doc string.

val pp : t B00_std.Fmt.t

pp formats v 's name, its doc string and its metadata dictionary.

Value set and maps

module Set : Set.S with type elt = t

Value sets.

module Map : Map.S with type key = t

Value maps.


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