package b0

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

Publish to GitHub pages.

Updating GitHub pages

type update

The type for updates.

val update : ?follow_symlinks:bool -> src:B00_std.Fpath.t option -> B00_std.Fpath.t -> update

update ~follow_symlinks ~src dst is an update that given a relative path dst in the work tree that may not exist:

  • If src is None, deletes dst in the work tree.
  • If src is Some src replaces dst in the work tree by the contents of the file or file hierarchy src. If follow_symlinks is true (default) symbolic links are followed in src.

Use . for dst to denote the root of the work tree; for example update ~src:(Some dir) (Fpath.v ".") replaces the whole website by the file hierarchy rooted at dir.

val nojekyll : update

nojekyll is update ~src:(Some Os.File.null) (Fpath.v ".nojekyll"). Add this to the updtaes to prevent the Jekyll processing that is automatically performed on GitHub pages.

val default_branch : B00_vcs.Git.branch

default_branch is "gh-pages", GitHub's default publication branch for GitHub pages.

val commit_updates : ?log:B00_std.Log.level -> ?branch:B00_vcs.Git.branch -> B00_vcs.t -> amend:bool -> force:bool -> remote:B00_vcs.Git.remote -> msg:string -> update list -> (bool, string) result

commit_updates vcs ~log ~remote ~branch ~msg us updates branch (defaults to gh-pages) on remote according to updates us with commit message msg. Ok false is returned if there was nothing to update.

  • If amend is true, the last commit is amended (if any exists) and the author reset rather than a new commit added
  • If force is true, the various git operations are forced.
  • log indicates a logging level used to monitor progress (defaults to

More precisely this:

  1. Fetches remote/branch if it exists.
  2. Creates a transient checkout with a temporary workdir in Os.Dir.default_tmp and a branch called _b0-update-gh-pages reset to remote/branch.
  3. Commits changes with message msg according to us which are applied in order, see update.
  4. Destroys the transient checkout
  5. Pushes _b0-update-gh-pages on remote/branch
  6. Destroys the branch _b0-update-gh-pages

Warning. If you have paths that start with _ GitHub pages won't publish them. You can disable this by adding a .nojekyll file at the root the gh-page branch, see nojekyll.


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