package arrayjit

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
module Set_O : sig ... end
val map_merge : ('a, 'b, 'c) Base.Map.t -> ('a, 'd, 'c) Base.Map.t -> f:('e -> 'f -> 'g) -> ('a, 'h, 'c) Base.Map.t
val mref_add : ('a, 'b, 'c) Base.Map.t Base.ref -> key:'d -> data:'e -> or_:('f -> Base.unit) -> Base.unit
val mref_add_missing : ('a, 'b, 'c) Base.Map.t Base.ref -> 'd -> f:(unit -> 'e) -> Base.unit
type settings = {
  1. mutable log_level :;
  2. mutable debug_log_from_routines : Base.bool;
  3. mutable debug_memory_locations : Base.bool;
  4. mutable output_debug_files_in_build_directory : Base.bool;

    Writes compilation related files in the build_files subdirectory of the run directory (additional files, or files that would otherwise be in temp directory). When both output_debug_files_in_build_directory = true and log_level > 1, compilation should also preserve debug and line information for runtime debugging.

  5. mutable fixed_state_for_init : Base.option;
  6. mutable print_decimals_precision :;

    When rendering arrays etc., outputs this many decimal digits.

val settings_of_sexp : Sexplib0.Sexp.t -> settings
val sexp_of_settings : settings -> Sexplib0.Sexp.t
val settings : settings
val accessed_global_args : Base.String.t Base.Hash_set.t
val read_cmdline_or_env_var : Base.String.t -> Base.String.t option
val config_file_args : (Base.String.t, Base.String.t) Base.Hashtbl.t
val get_global_arg : default:Base.String.t -> arg_name:Base.String.t -> Base.String.t

Retrieves arg_name argument from the command line or from an environment variable, returns default if none found.

val restore_settings : unit -> unit
val build_file : Base.string -> Base.string
val diagn_log_file : Base.string -> Base.string
val _get_local_debug_runtime : unit -> (module Minidebug_runtime.Debug_runtime)
val set_log_level : -> Base.unit
val with_runtime_debug : unit -> Base.bool
val enable_runtime_debug : unit -> Base.unit
val union_find : equal:('a -> 'b -> bool) -> ('c, 'd, 'e) Base.Map.t -> key:'f -> rank:int -> 'f * int
val union_add : equal:('a -> 'a -> bool) -> ('b, 'b, 'c) Base.Map.t -> 'd -> 'e -> ('b, 'b, 'c) Base.Map.t
val unique_keep_first : equal:('a -> 'a -> bool) -> 'b list -> 'c Base.List.t

Filters the list keeping the first occurrence of each element.

val sorted_diff : compare:('a -> 'b -> int) -> 'c Base.List.t -> 'd list -> 'c Base.List.t
val parallel_merge : (from:int -> to_:int -> 'a) -> -> Base.unit

parallel_merge merge num_devices progressively invokes the pairwise merge callback, converging on the 0th position, with from ranging from 1 to num_devices - 1, and to_ < from.

type atomic_bool = Base.bool Atomic.t
val sexp_of_atomic_bool : Base.bool Atomic.t -> Sexplib0.Sexp.t
val (!@) : 'a Atomic.t -> 'a
val sexp_append : elem:Base.Sexp.t -> Base.Sexp.t -> Base.Sexp.t
val sexp_mem : elem:Base.Sexp.t -> Base.Sexp.t -> bool
val sexp_deep_mem : elem:Base.Sexp.t -> Base.Sexp.t -> Base.bool
val split_with_seps : -> string -> string Base.List.t
module Lazy : sig ... end
type requirement =
  1. | Skip
  2. | Required
  3. | Optional of {
    1. callback_if_missing : Base.unit -> Base.unit;
val compare_requirement : requirement -> requirement ->
val requirement_of_sexp : Sexplib0.Sexp.t -> requirement
val sexp_of_requirement : requirement -> Sexplib0.Sexp.t
val get_debug_formatter : fname:Base.string -> Format.formatter option
exception User_error of Base.string
val header_sep :
val log_trace_tree : 'a -> unit
type 'a mutable_list =
  1. | Empty
  2. | Cons of {
    1. hd : 'a;
    2. mutable tl : 'a mutable_list;
val equal_mutable_list : 'a. ('a -> 'a -> Base.bool) -> 'a mutable_list -> 'a mutable_list -> Base.bool
val mutable_list_of_sexp : 'a. (Sexplib0.Sexp.t -> 'a) -> Sexplib0.Sexp.t -> 'a mutable_list
val sexp_of_mutable_list : 'a. ('a -> Sexplib0.Sexp.t) -> 'a mutable_list -> Sexplib0.Sexp.t
val empty : 'a mutable_list
val cons : hd:'a -> tl:'b mutable_list -> 'c mutable_list
val is_empty : 'a mutable_list -> bool
val is_cons : 'a mutable_list -> bool
val empty_val : 'a mutable_list -> unit Option.t
val cons_val : 'a mutable_list -> ([> `hd of 'b ] * [> `tl of 'c mutable_list ]) Option.t
module Variants_of_mutable_list : sig ... end
val insert : next:'a -> 'b mutable_list -> 'c mutable_list
val tl_exn : 'a mutable_list -> 'b mutable_list
type pp_file = {
  1. f_name : Base.string;
  2. ppf : Format.formatter;
  3. finalize : Base.unit -> Base.unit;
val pp_file : base_name:Base.String.t -> extension:Base.String.t -> pp_file
val captured_log_prefix : string Base.ref
type captured_log_processor = {
  1. log_processor_prefix : Base.string;
  2. process_logs : Base.string Base.list -> Base.unit;
val captured_log_processors : captured_log_processor Base.list Base.ref
val add_log_processor : prefix:Base.string -> (Base.string Base.list -> Base.unit) -> Base.unit
val capture_stdout_logs : ?never_skip:Base.bool -> (unit -> 'a) -> 'b
type waiter = {
  1. await : keep_waiting:(Base.unit -> Base.bool) -> Base.unit -> Base.bool;

    Returns true if the waiter was not already waiting (in another thread) and waiting was needed (keep_waiting always returned true).

  2. release_if_waiting : Base.unit -> Base.bool;

    Returns true if the waiter both was waiting and was not already released.

  3. is_waiting : Base.unit -> Base.bool;
  4. finalize : Base.unit -> Base.unit;

Note: this waiter is meant for sequential waiting.

val waiter : name:Base.String.t -> unit -> waiter

Innovation. Community. Security.