package arrayjit

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

A minimalisitc wrapper creating backends where all calls run synchronously on the main thread. There is only one physical device, but as always an arbitrary number of virtual devices.



type buffer_ptr = Backend.buffer_ptr
val sexp_of_buffer_ptr : buffer_ptr -> Sexplib0.Sexp.t
type device = {
  1. subordinal :;
  2. merge_buffer : (buffer_ptr * Tnode.t) Base.option Base.ref;
  3. mutable allocated_buffer : (buffer_ptr * Base.option;
val sexp_of_device : device -> Sexplib0.Sexp.t
val alloc_buffer : ?old_buffer:(Backend.buffer_ptr * -> -> 'a -> Backend.buffer_ptr
type physical_device =
  1. | CPU
val sexp_of_physical_device : physical_device -> Sexplib0.Sexp.t
type code = Backend.code
val sexp_of_code : code -> Sexplib0.Sexp.t
type code_batch = Backend.code_batch
val sexp_of_code_batch : code_batch -> Sexplib0.Sexp.t
val expected_merge_node : code -> Tnode.t Base.option
val expected_merge_nodes : code_batch -> Tnode.t Base.option Base.array
val is_idle : 'a -> bool
val name : Base.String.t
val await : 'a -> unit
val global_run_no : int Base.ref
type context = {
  1. device : device;
  2. ctx : Backend.context;
  3. expected_merge_node : Tnode.t Base.option;
val sexp_of_context : context -> Sexplib0.Sexp.t
type nonrec routine = context Backend_utils.Types.routine
val sexp_of_routine : routine -> Sexplib0.Sexp.t
val init : device -> context
val is_initialized : Base.unit -> Base.bool
val finalize : context -> Base.unit
val compile_batch : ?shared:Base.bool -> ?names:Base.string Base.array -> ?occupancy:(name:Base.string -> -> Base.bool) -> Indexing.unit_bindings -> Assignments.t Base.array -> Backend.code_batch
val get_name : device -> string
val from_host : context -> Tnode.t -> bool
val to_host : context -> Tnode.t -> bool
val device_to_device : Tnode.t -> into_merge_buffer:Backend_utils.Types.merge_buffer_use -> dst:context -> src:context -> bool
val num_physical_devices : unit -> int
val suggested_num_virtual_devices : 'a -> int
val next_virtual_device_id : int Base.ref
val unsafe_cleanup : unit -> Base.unit
val get_device : ordinal:int -> physical_device
val new_virtual_device : physical_device -> device
val get_physical_device : 'a -> physical_device
val get_ctx_device : context -> device
val to_ordinal : 'a -> int
val to_subordinal : device ->
val to_buffer : Tnode.t -> dst:Backend.buffer_ptr -> src:context -> Base.unit
val host_to_buffer : Ndarray.t -> dst:Backend.buffer_ptr -> Base.unit
val buffer_to_host : Ndarray.t -> src:Backend.buffer_ptr -> Base.unit

Innovation. Community. Security.