package alba

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type t
type type_in_context = int list * Term.typ * Gamma.t

A build context consists of a context with holes and a stack of to be constructed terms.

There is always a next to be constructed term. The term is either in a function position or an argument position.

val count : t -> int
val count_base : t -> int
val count_locals : t -> int
val count_bounds : t -> int
val required_type_in_context : t -> type_in_context
val make : Gamma.t -> t

make gamma

Make a build context based on gamma. Push 2 holes onto the context to get

Gamma, E: Any(2), e: E

The next to be constructed term points to e.

val final : t -> (Term.t * Term.typ, int list * Term.typ * Gamma.t) Stdlib.result


val base_candidate : Term.t -> int -> t -> t option

base_candidate term nargs bc

Receive the term term as a candidate for the next to be constructed term. The candidate is from the base context and in applied to nargs arguments.

Base candidates are either

  • Literals (Numbers, characters, strings)
  • Variables from the base context
val bound : int -> int -> t -> (t, type_in_context * type_in_context) Stdlib.result

bound level nargs bc

Product all (a: A) ... : RT

module Product : sig ... end

Typed expression exp: tp

module Typed : sig ... end

Function Application f a b c ...

module Application : sig ... end

Function Abstraction \ x y ... := t

module Lambda : sig ... end

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