package alba

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type operator = string * Operator.t
type argument_type =
  1. | Normal
  2. | Operand
type t = t0 Located.t
and t0 =
  1. | Proposition
  2. | Any
  3. | Identifier of string
  4. | Number of string
  5. | Char of int
  6. | String of string
  7. | Operator of operator
  8. | Typed of t * t
  9. | Application of t * (t * argument_type) list
  10. | Function of formal_argument list * t option * t
  11. | Product of formal_argument list * t
and formal_argument = string Located.t * t option
val binary : t -> (operator Located.t * t) list -> (t, range * string * string) Stdlib.result

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