package acgtk

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

This module implements the parsing functions for ACG data files, terms, lexical entries, and signature entries

val parse_data : ?overwrite:bool -> ?output:Stdlib.Format.formatter -> no_magic:bool -> Sedlexing.lexbuf -> AcgData.Environment.Environment.t -> AcgData.Environment.Environment.t option

parse_data ~override:over ~output:out buf e parses the file buf. If the parse is successful, then it returns Some e' where e' is e with the data from filenamne added. Otherwise it returns None. The two first parameters indicates whether it is allowed to overwrite an already present signature or lexicon, and whether to ouput the new environment.

parse_term buf sg parses the term contained in the buffer buf according to the signature sg and returns None if the parse fails and Some (term,stype) where term and stype correspond to buf.

val parse_type : Sedlexing.lexbuf -> AcgData.Signature.Data_Signature.t -> Logic.Lambda.Lambda.stype option

parse_type buf sg parses the type contained in the string buf according to the signature sg and returns None if the parse fails and Some stype where stype correspond to buf.

val parse_sig_entry : Sedlexing.lexbuf -> AcgData.Signature.Data_Signature.t -> AcgData.Signature.Data_Signature.t option

parse_sig_entry buf sg e parses the signature entry buf and adds it to the signature sg in the environment e and returns None if parsing fails or Some sg' where sg' is the new signature.

val parse_lex_entry : Sedlexing.lexbuf -> AcgData.Acg_lexicon.Data_Lexicon.t -> AcgData.Acg_lexicon.Data_Lexicon.t option

parse_lex_entry buf lex e parses the lexicon entry buf and adds it to the lexicon lex in the environment e and returns None if parsing fails or Some lex' where lex' is the new lexicon.


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