package acgtk

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

This module signature describes the interface for modules implementing signatures

Exceptions raised when definitions of types or constants are duplicated

exception Duplicate_type_definition
exception Duplicate_term_definition

Exception raised when no entry associated to a given symbol exists in a signature

exception Not_found
type t

The type of the signature as abstract object

type id

The type of signature ids, in order to distinguish them beyond their name

type entry

The type of the entries of the signature

The (ocaml) type for the terms of the signature

The (ocaml) type for the types of the signature

type data =
  1. | Type of stype
  2. | Term of term * stype

    the type for data that can be added to a signature

val empty : filename:string -> (string * Logic.Abstract_syntax.Abstract_syntax.location) -> t

empty name returns the empty signature of name name

name s returns the name of the signature s and the location of its definition

val full_name : t -> (string * id) * string

full_name sg returns (n, id, filename) where n is the name of the signature, id its id, and filename the name of the file in which the signature sg was defined.

val add_entry : Logic.Abstract_syntax.Abstract_syntax.sig_entry -> t -> t

add_entry e s returns a signature where the entry e has been added

find_type id s returns the type as declared or defined in the signature s, corresponding to the symbol id in s if it exists. Raise Not_found otherwise

val find_term : string -> t -> term * stype

find_term id s returns the term together with its type, as declared or defined in the signature s, corresponding to the symbol id in s if it exists. Raise Not_found otherwise

val is_type : ?atomic:bool -> string -> t -> bool

is_type ~atomic id s returns true if id is the name of a declared atomic or if s is a defined type and atomic is set to false (default), and false oterwise

val is_constant : string -> t -> bool * (Logic.Abstract_syntax.Abstract_syntax.syntactic_behavior * bool * bool) option

is_constant id s returns (true,Some ((b, pred), is_macro, has_atomic_type)) together with its syntactic behaviour b, its precedence pred, is_macro set to true if the constant is a defined one (a macro), false otherwise, has_atomic_type is set to true if its (expanded) type is atomic, false otherwise, and false,None oterwise.

precedence id s returns a Some f where f is float indicating the precedence of the infix operator id. It returns None if id is not an infix operator.

val new_precedence : ?before:string -> string -> t -> float * t

new_precedence ?before id s returns a pair consisting of a new precedence value associated to id, and the new signature taking this new value into account. If the optional string argument before is not provided, then id is given the highest precedence so far. Otherwise, it is given the precedence just below before.

val pp_type : t -> Format.formatter -> stype -> unit

pp_type sg fmt ty pretty prints the type ty according to the signature sg on the formatter fmt.

val pp_term : t -> Format.formatter -> term -> unit

pp_type sg fmt t pretty prints the term t according to the signature sg on the formatter fmt.

val id_to_string : t -> int -> Logic.Abstract_syntax.Abstract_syntax.syntactic_behavior * string

id_to_string sg id looks up a constant defined or declared in a signature by its id and returns a pair of its syntactic behavior and name.

val unfold_type_definition : int -> t -> Logic.Lambda.Lambda.stype

unfold_type_definition id t returns the actual type for the type defined by id as the identifier of a type definition in the signature t. Fails with "Bug" if id does not correspond to a type definition

val unfold_term_definition : int -> t -> Logic.Lambda.Lambda.term

unfold_term_definition id t returns the actual term for the term defined by id as the identifier of a term definition in the signature t. Fails with "Bug" if id does not correspond to a term definition

expand_type t sg returns a type where all the type definitions have been expanded

expand_term t sg returns a term where all the term definitions have been expanded

val pp : Format.formatter -> t -> unit

pp fmt sg pretty prints the signature sg on the formatter fmt. Should be parsable

convert_term t ty sg returns a the term corresponding to the parsed term t with parsed type ty wrt to the signature sg

convert_type ty sg returns a type to the parsed type ty wrt to the signature sg

val type_of_constant : string -> t -> stype

type_of_constant n sg returns the type of the constant of name n as defined in the signature sg

val typecheck : Logic.Abstract_syntax.Abstract_syntax.term -> stype -> t -> term * bool

typecheck t ty sg returns a pair (t', is_almost_linear) term if, according to sg, it has type ty. is_almost_linear is true if t' is almost linear, false otherwise.

val fold : (entry -> 'a -> 'a) -> 'a -> t -> 'a

fold f a sg returns f e_n (f e_n-1 ( ... ( f e_1 a) ... )) where the e_i are the entries of the signature sg. It is ensured that the e_i are provided in the same order as they have been inserted.

val entry_to_data : entry -> data

entry_to_data e returns a data depending of the content of the entry e in the signature sig

val get_binder_argument_functional_type : string -> t -> Logic.Abstract_syntax.Abstract_syntax.abstraction option

get_binder_argument_functionnal_type s sg returns None if the constant s is not defined in sg as a binder (that is something of type ('a ?> 'b) ?> 'c ) and returns Some abs where abs is Logic.Abstract_syntax.Abstract_syntax.abstraction.Linear or Logic.Abstract_syntax.Abstract_syntax.abstraction.Non_linear otherwise and abs desribes the implication ?> in ('a ?> 'b)

val is_declared : entry -> t -> string option

is_declared e sg returns Some s if the entry e is a declaration of the string s (and not a definiton) in sg and None otherwise

val eta_long_form : term -> stype -> t -> term

eta_long_form t ty sg returns the eta-long form of t with respect to the type ty and signature sg

val unfold : term -> t -> term

unfold t sg returns a normalized term where all the defined subterms of t have been expanded according to their definition in sg.

val is_2nd_order : t -> bool

is_2nd_order s returns true if the signature s is 2nd order and false otherwise.

val is_atomic : stype -> t -> bool

is_atomic t sig returne true if the type t is atomic accorging to sig.

val gen_term_list : t -> stype -> int -> int -> bool -> term UtilsLib.LazyList.t

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