Generating Documentation With odoc

The documentation rendering tool odoc generates documentation in the form of HTML, LaTeX, or man pages, from the docstrings and interfaces of the project's modules

Dune can run odoc on your project to generate HTML documentation with this command:

$ opam exec -- dune build @doc

# Unix or macOS
$ open _build/default/_doc/_html/index.html

# Windows
$ explorer _build\default\_doc\_html\index.html

Generating .mld Documentation Pages

In addition to documenting the publicly-visible API of your project, odoc also gives you the ability to add individual documentation pages.

For example, to replace the automatically generated documentation index file, you have to add a file index.mld to your project.

To make Dune find your .mld pages and process them with odoc, the dune file in the same directory as your .mld files needs to include this stanza:

 (package name-of-your-package))

A common place to put .mld files is a directory named doc or docs.

For more information on how to write documentation pages for odoc, see the odoc for authors documentation.

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