package opam-format

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
module E : sig ... end

Configuration options for the format lib (record, global reference and setter)

type t = private {
  1. strict : bool;

    Fail early with errors in OPAM files

  2. skip_version_checks : bool;

    Ignore mismatching OPAM versions in files

  3. all_parens : bool;

    Affects the OPAM format printer; for backwards-compatibility

type 'a options_fun = ?strict:bool -> ?skip_version_checks:bool -> ?all_parens:bool -> 'a
include OpamStd.Config.Sig with type t := t and type 'a options_fun := 'a options_fun
val default : t
val set : t -> (unit -> t) options_fun
val setk : (t -> 'a) -> t -> 'a options_fun
val r : t Stdlib.ref
val update : ?noop:'a -> (unit -> unit) options_fun
val init : ?noop:'a -> (unit -> unit) options_fun
val initk : 'a -> 'a options_fun

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