package carton-lwt

  1. Overview
  2. Docs


module Uid : Carton.UID


type ('t, 'path, 'fd, 'error) fs = {
  1. create : 't -> 'path -> ('fd, 'error) result Lwt.t;
  2. append : 't -> 'fd -> string -> unit Lwt.t;
  3. map : 't -> 'fd -> pos:int64 -> int -> Bigstringaf.t Lwt.t;
  4. close : 't -> 'fd -> (unit, 'error) result Lwt.t;
val verify : ?threads:int -> digest:Uid.t Carton.Dec.digest -> 't -> 'path -> ('t, 'path, 'fd, [> `Msg of string ] as 'error) fs -> (unit -> (string * int * int) option Lwt.t) -> (int * Uid.t list * (int64 * optint) list * Uid.t Dec.Idx.entry list * int64 * Uid.t, 'error) result Lwt.t
val canonicalize : light_load:Uid.t light_load -> heavy_load:Uid.t heavy_load -> src:'path -> dst:'path -> 't -> ('t, 'path, 'fd, [> `Msg of string ] as 'error) fs -> int -> Uid.t list -> int64 -> (int64 * int64 * Uid.t * Uid.t Dec.Idx.entry list, 'error) result Lwt.t

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