package lambda-term

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
val find_focusable : < can_focus : bool ; children : 'b list.. > as 'a -> 'a option
val find_focusable_in_list : < can_focus : bool ; children : 'a.. > as 'b list as 'a -> 'c option
val pick : LTerm_geom.coord -> < allocation : LTerm_geom.rect ; can_focus : bool ; children : 'b list.. > as 'a -> ('c * LTerm_geom.coord) option
type 'a event =
  1. | Value of 'a
  2. | Event of LTerm_event.t
val lambda_termrc : string
val file_exists : string -> bool Lwt.t
val apply_resources : ?cache:LTerm_resources.t Stdlib.ref -> bool -> string -> < set_resources : LTerm_resources.t -> 'a.. > -> unit Lwt.t
val ref_focus : < can_focus : bool ; children : 'b list.. > as 'a -> 'c Stdlib.ref
val run_modal : LTerm.t -> ?save_state:bool -> ?load_resources:bool -> ?resources_file:string -> LTerm_toplevel_impl.t Lwt_react.event -> unit Lwt_react.event -> < allocation : LTerm_geom.rect ; can_focus : bool ; children : LTerm_widget_base_impl.t list ; cursor_position : LTerm_geom.coord option ; draw : LTerm_draw.context -> LTerm_widget_base_impl.t -> unit ; focus : LTerm_widget_base_impl.t option LTerm_geom.directions ; on_event : ?switch:LTerm_widget_callbacks.switch -> (LTerm_event.t -> bool) -> unit ; parent : LTerm_widget_base_impl.t option ; queue_draw : unit ; resource_class : string ; resources : LTerm_resources.t ; send_event : LTerm_event.t -> unit ; set_allocation : LTerm_geom.rect -> unit ; set_focus : LTerm_widget_base_impl.t option LTerm_geom.directions -> unit ; set_parent : LTerm_widget_base_impl.t option -> unit ; set_queue_draw : (unit -> unit) -> unit ; set_resource_class : string -> unit ; set_resources : LTerm_resources.t -> unit ; size_request : LTerm_geom.size ; update_resources : unit.. > -> 'a Lwt.t -> 'a Lwt.t
val run : LTerm.t -> ?save_state:bool -> ?load_resources:bool -> ?resources_file:string -> < allocation : LTerm_geom.rect ; can_focus : bool ; children : LTerm_widget_base_impl.t list ; cursor_position : LTerm_geom.coord option ; draw : LTerm_draw.context -> LTerm_widget_base_impl.t -> unit ; focus : LTerm_widget_base_impl.t option LTerm_geom.directions ; on_event : ?switch:LTerm_widget_callbacks.switch -> (LTerm_event.t -> bool) -> unit ; parent : LTerm_widget_base_impl.t option ; queue_draw : unit ; resource_class : string ; resources : LTerm_resources.t ; send_event : LTerm_event.t -> unit ; set_allocation : LTerm_geom.rect -> unit ; set_focus : LTerm_widget_base_impl.t option LTerm_geom.directions -> unit ; set_parent : LTerm_widget_base_impl.t option -> unit ; set_queue_draw : (unit -> unit) -> unit ; set_resource_class : string -> unit ; set_resources : LTerm_resources.t -> unit ; size_request : LTerm_geom.size ; update_resources : unit.. > -> 'a Lwt.t -> 'a Lwt.t
val prepare_simple_run : unit -> (< allocation : LTerm_geom.rect ; can_focus : bool ; children : LTerm_widget_base_impl.t list ; cursor_position : LTerm_geom.coord option ; draw : LTerm_draw.context -> LTerm_widget_base_impl.t -> unit ; focus : LTerm_widget_base_impl.t option LTerm_geom.directions ; on_event : ?switch:LTerm_widget_callbacks.switch -> (LTerm_event.t -> bool) -> unit ; parent : LTerm_widget_base_impl.t option ; queue_draw : unit ; resource_class : string ; resources : LTerm_resources.t ; send_event : LTerm_event.t -> unit ; set_allocation : LTerm_geom.rect -> unit ; set_focus : LTerm_widget_base_impl.t option LTerm_geom.directions -> unit ; set_parent : LTerm_widget_base_impl.t option -> unit ; set_queue_draw : (unit -> unit) -> unit ; set_resource_class : string -> unit ; set_resources : LTerm_resources.t -> unit ; size_request : LTerm_geom.size ; update_resources : unit.. > -> 'a Lwt.t) * (< allocation : LTerm_geom.rect ; can_focus : bool ; children : LTerm_widget_base_impl.t list ; cursor_position : LTerm_geom.coord option ; draw : LTerm_draw.context -> LTerm_widget_base_impl.t -> unit ; focus : LTerm_widget_base_impl.t option LTerm_geom.directions ; on_event : ?switch:LTerm_widget_callbacks.switch -> (LTerm_event.t -> bool) -> unit ; parent : LTerm_widget_base_impl.t option ; queue_draw : unit ; resource_class : string ; resources : LTerm_resources.t ; send_event : LTerm_event.t -> unit ; set_allocation : LTerm_geom.rect -> unit ; set_focus : LTerm_widget_base_impl.t option LTerm_geom.directions -> unit ; set_parent : LTerm_widget_base_impl.t option -> unit ; set_queue_draw : (unit -> unit) -> unit ; set_resource_class : string -> unit ; set_resources : LTerm_resources.t -> unit ; size_request : LTerm_geom.size ; update_resources : unit.. > -> unit -> unit) * (?step:React.step -> unit -> unit) * ('a -> unit)

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