Module type
Class type
Abstract representation of JSON schemas as of version
and element = {
title : string option;
An optional short description.
*)description : string option;
An optional long description.
*)default : Json_repr.any option;
A default constant to be substituted in case of a missing value.
*)enum : Json_repr.any list option;
A valid value must equal one of these constants.
*)kind : element_kind;
The type-specific part.
*)format : string option;
predefined formats such as date-time
, email
, ipv4
, ipv6
, uri
id : string option;
An optional ID.
A node in the schema, embeds all type-agnostic specs.
and element_kind =
| Object of object_specs
The type of an object.
*)| Array of element list * array_specs
An fixed-length array with the types of its elements (a tuple).
*)| Monomorphic_array of element * array_specs
A variable-length array with the type of its children.
*)| Combine of combinator * element list
A mix of schemas using logical combinators.
*)| Def_ref of Json_query.path
A ref to an element from its path in the JSON representation.
*)| Id_ref of string
A ref to an element from its ID.
*)| Ext_ref of Uri.t
A ref to an external element.
*)| String of string_specs
A string (with optional characteristics).
*)| Integer of numeric_specs
An int (with optional characteristics).
*)| Number of numeric_specs
A float (with optional characteristics).
*)| Boolean
Any boolean.
*)| Null
The null value.
*)| Any
Any JSON value.
*)| Dummy
For building cyclic definitions, a definition bound to a dummy will be considered absent for add_definition
but present for update
. The idea is to insert a dummy definition, build a cyclic structure using it for recursion, and finally update the definition with the structure.
The type-specific part of schema nodes.
and array_specs = {
min_items : int;
The minimum number of elements.
*)max_items : int option;
The maximum number of elements.
*)unique_items : bool;
Teels if all elements must be different.
*)additional_items : element option;
The type of additional items, if allowed.
Parameters of the Array
and MonomorphicArray
type specifiers.
and numeric_specs = {
multiple_of : float option;
An optional divisor of valid values
*)minimum : (float * [ `Inclusive | `Exclusive ]) option;
The optional lower bound of the numeric range
*)maximum : (float * [ `Inclusive | `Exclusive ]) option;
The optional upper bound of the numeric range
Parameters of the Integer
and Number
type specifiers.
and object_specs = {
properties : (string * element * bool * Json_repr.any option) list;
The names and types of properties, with a flag to indicate if they are required (true
) or optional.
pattern_properties : (string * element) list;
Alternative definition of properties, matching field names using regexps instead of constant strings.
*)additional_properties : element option;
The type of additional properties, if allowed.
*)min_properties : int;
The minimum number of properties.
*)max_properties : int option;
The maximum number of properties.
*)schema_dependencies : (string * element) list;
Additional schemas the value must verify if a property is present (property, additional schema).
*)property_dependencies : (string * string list) list;
Additional properties required whenever some property is present (property, additional properties).
Parameters of the Object
type specifier.
and string_specs = {
pattern : string option;
A regexp the string must conform to.
*)min_length : int;
The minimum string length.
*)max_length : int option;
The maximum string length.
Parameters of the String
type specifier.
val element : element_kind -> element
Construct a naked element (all optional properties to None).
Construct a schema from its root, without any definition ; the element is checked not to contain any Def
Update a schema from its root, using the definitions from an existing schema ; the element is checked to contain only valid Def
elements ; unused definitions are kept, see simplify
val self : schema
Describes the implemented schema specification as a schema.
val any : schema
A completely generic schema, without any definition.
val combine : combinator -> schema list -> schema
Combines several schemas.
Merges the definitions of two schemas if possible and returns the updated schemas, so that their elements can be mixed without introducing dangling references ; if two different definitions are bound to the same path, Duplicate_definition
will be raised.
Adds a definition by its path. If the path is absolute (starting with a '/'
), it is untouched. Otherwise, it is considered relative to "#/definitions"
as recommended by the standard. May raise Duplicate_definition
if this path is already used or any error raised by Json_repr.path_of_json_pointer
with ~wildcards:false
. Returns the modified schema and the Def_ref
node that references this definition to be used in the schema.
Finds a definition by its path, may raise Not_found
. See add_definition
for the name format.
val definition_exists : string -> schema -> bool
Tells if a path leads to a definition. See add_definition
for the name format.
val array_specs : array_specs
Default Parameters of the Array
and MonomorphicArray
type specifiers.
val object_specs : object_specs
Default parameters of the Object
type specifier.
val string_specs : string_specs
Default parameters of the String
type specifier.
val numeric_specs : numeric_specs
Default parameters of the Integer
and Number
type specifiers.
val to_json : schema -> Json_repr.ezjsonm
Formats a JSON schema as its JSON representation.
This function works with JSON data represented in the Json_repr.ezjsonm
format. See functor Make
for using another representation.
val of_json : Json_repr.ezjsonm -> schema
Parse a JSON structure as a JSON schema, if possible. May throw Cannot_parse
This function works with JSON data represented in the Json_repr.ezjsonm
format. See functor Make
for using another representation.
val pp : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> schema -> unit
Formats a JSON schema in human readable format.
exception Cannot_parse of Json_query.path * exn
An error happened during parsing. May box one of the following exceptions, among others..
exception Duplicate_definition of Json_query.path
A non-Dummy
definition appeared twice on insertion or merge.
val print_error :
?print_unknown:(Stdlib.Format.formatter -> exn -> unit) ->
Stdlib.Format.formatter ->
exn ->
Produces a human readable version of an error.
module Make (Repr : Json_repr.Repr) : sig ... end