Module type
Class type
Partially ordered sets with the least element.
The Domain is fundamental structure for the Knowledge representation as domains are used to represent property values. Basically, all information is represented with domains. Domains capture the idea of partial information or an approximation of information.
A domain is a set equipped with the partial order, which orders elements of this set by their information content, and the least element empty or bot, which is not greater than any other element of this set. The empty element indicates an absence of knowledge.
The resulting structure is not strictly a domain, the only missing element is the maximal element. The role of the is taken by values of type conflict, which denote the top element equipped with the diagnostic information. Therefore, type ('a,conflict) result is a directed-complete partial order, or a Scott-Ershov domain, or just a domain..
The domain structure is very general and the join operator is induced by the specified order. However, it is possible to upgrade the structure, used to represent a property, to lattice or lattice-like structure, by providing a custom join function.
define ~inspect ~empty ~order name defines a domain for the type 'a.
The empty value denotes the representation of an absence of information, or an undefined value, or the default value, or the least possible value in the chain, etc. It's only required that for all possible values x, empty <= x, where <= is the partial order defined by the order parameter
The order function defines the partial order for the given domain, such that
partial x y = LT iff x<=y && not(y <= x)
partial x y = EQ iff x <= y && y <= x
partial x y = GT iff not (x <= y) && (y <= x)
partial x y = NC iff not (x <= y) && not (y <= x).
The optional inspect function enables introspection, and may return any representation of the domain value.
The returned value is an instance of the domain type class that is used for declaration of a property. The instance is not nominal and is purely structural, the name argument is used only for introspection and better error messages.
val total :
?inspect:('a->Base.Sexp.t)->?join:('a->'a->('a, conflict)Core_kernel.result)->empty:'a->order:('a->'a-> int)->string ->'adomain
total empty order name defines a domain from the total order.
Defines an ordinal domain, where the partial order is inferred from the total order, so that a <= b iff a < b.
The Hasse diagram of the ordinal domain:
o xN
o x2
o x1
o bot
val flat :
?inspect:('a->Base.Sexp.t)->?join:('a->'a->('a, conflict)Core_kernel.result)->empty:'a->equal:('a->'a-> bool)->string ->'adomain
flat empty equal name defines a flat domain.
A flat domain has one element that is less than all other elements except itself and any other two elements that are not empty are non-comparable.
The Hasse diagram of the flat domain:
x1 x2 ... xN
o o o
| | |
val optional :
?inspect:('a->Base.Sexp.t)->?join:('a->'a->('a, conflict)Core_kernel.result)->equal:('a->'a-> bool)->string ->'a optiondomain
optional ~equal name a flat domain with None as bot.
Wrapping any data type into the option data type yields a flat domain. For example,
let tribool = optional ~equal:bool_equal "tribool"
is a tribool domain, where the property value could be either unknown (None), true (Some true), or false (Some false.
mapping total_order ~equal ?join name a point-wise mapping domain.
Finite mapping naturally form domains, if every key in the mapping is considered an independent kind of information, and an absence of a key indicates the absence of that kind of information.
The upper bound of two mapping is the point-wise union of them, unless there is a key, which is present in both mapping with different values (combined with equal by default). In the latter case, the upper bound is the conflict.
The partial order between x and y is defined as follows:
EQ iff mappings are structurally equal;
LT iff y contains all bindings of x and x <> y;
GT iff x contains all bindings of y and x <> y;
NC iff neither of the above rules applicable.
since 2.5.0, the optional [join] parameter is made available.
By default, it returns Ok y when two elements x and y which share the same key are equal. Otherwise, it shall return the least upper bound of x and y, if it exists.
opinions empty equal name defines an opinionated domain.
In the opinionated domain, the order of elements is defined by the total reliability of agents that support this information. The more trustworthy the agent and the more agents support data, the higher the data will be in the chain.
See corresponding suggest, propose, and resolve operators.