Module type
Class type
Creates an mDNS responder module given a module that provides I/O functions.
val of_zonebufs : string list -> t
Creates a responder by parsing a list of zone buffer strings.
val of_zonebuf : string -> t
Creates a responder by parsing a zone buffer string, which is typically loaded from a zone file.
val of_db : Dns.Loader.db -> t
Creates a responder from a previously loaded DNS database.
val add_unique_hostname : t -> Dns.Name.t -> ?ttl:int32 -> Ipaddr.V4.t -> unit
Adds an A resource record that is intended to be unique on the local link. The responder will only include this record in responses after it has been confirmed as unique by probing, which is initiated by calling "first_probe".
val first_probe : t -> unit Lwt.t
Initiates the first probe sequence to verify ownership of any unique records. If no unique records have been added then this function will do nothing.
val announce : t -> repeat:int -> unit Lwt.t
Initiates the announcement sequence which sends unsolicited responses for confirmed unique records and for shared records.
val process :
t ->
src:ip_endpoint ->
dst:ip_endpoint ->
Cstruct.t ->
unit Lwt.t
Processes a received mDNS UDP datagram. The main purpose of this function is to send responses to mDNS queries, but it also parses responses to detect conflicts with unique records.
val stop_probe : t -> unit Lwt.t
Call this function to permanently stop the probe thread, to shut down the responder.
val trie : t -> Dns.Trie.dnstrie
Returns the trie that the responder uses internally to store RRs.