package uucp

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

General category property.

General category property

type t = [
  1. | `Cc
  2. | `Cf
  3. | `Cn
  4. | `Co
  5. | `Cs
  6. | `Ll
  7. | `Lm
  8. | `Lo
  9. | `Lt
  10. | `Lu
  11. | `Mc
  12. | `Me
  13. | `Mn
  14. | `Nd
  15. | `Nl
  16. | `No
  17. | `Pc
  18. | `Pd
  19. | `Pe
  20. | `Pf
  21. | `Pi
  22. | `Po
  23. | `Ps
  24. | `Sc
  25. | `Sk
  26. | `Sm
  27. | `So
  28. | `Zl
  29. | `Zp
  30. | `Zs

The type for general categories.

val compare : t -> t -> int

compare c c' is s s'.

val pp : Format.formatter -> t -> unit

pp ppf c prints an unspecified representation of c on ppf.

val general_category : Uchar.t -> t

general_category u is u's General_Category property.


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