package dns

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

Implements the core of the unique name probing part of a Multicast DNS (mDNS) responder.

type state

The internal data structure representing the of the probing part of an mDNS responder.

type datagram = Packet.t * Ipaddr.V4.t * int

A DNS packet to be sent with its destination IP address and UDP port number.

type action =
  1. | Nothing

    The protocol is idle because all names have been confirmed unique.

  2. | ToSend of datagram

    The caller shall send the specified datagram.

  3. | Delay of float

    The caller shall wait for the specified duration in seconds.

  4. | Continue

    The caller should invoke do_probe again.

  5. | NotReady

    The call was unexpected. This may indicate a bug in the caller, and should be logged.

  6. | Stop

    stop has been called.


The I/O action that the caller of this module must take.

val new_state : Loader.db -> state

Initialises a new mDNS probe protocol.

val add_name : state -> Name.t -> state

Marks a Name.t as unique. The name will be included in the next probe cycle.

val do_probe : state -> state * action

Initiates the probe protocol and returns the I/O action that the caller should take.

val on_send_complete : state -> state * action

After completing a ToSend action, call this function to continue the probe protocol.

val on_delay_complete : state -> state * action

After completing a Delay action, call this function to continue the probe protocol.

val is_first_complete : state -> bool

Returns true if the first probe cycle has completed successfully.

type conflict =
  1. | NoConflict

    No conflict occurred.

  2. | ConflictRestart

    A conflict occurred. The caller should interrupt any Delay action that is currently executing, if possible.


Indicates whether the received datagram caused a restart of the probe cycle due to a conflict.

val on_response_received : state -> Packet.t -> state * conflict

Call this function when an mDNS response packet is received, in order to check for conflicting resource records.

val on_query_received : state -> Packet.t -> Packet.t -> Packet.t * state * conflict

Call this function when an mDNS query packet is received, in order to check for simultaneous probe conflicts.

val is_confirmed : state -> Name.t -> bool

Returns true if the name has been confirmed unique (probed successfully). This is intended for controlling the cache flush bit.

val stop : state -> state

Stops executing the protocol.


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