package tezos-protocol-alpha

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
module Alpha_context : sig ... end
module Alpha_services : sig ... end
module Amendment : sig ... end

Only delegates with at least one roll take part in the amendment procedure. It works as follows:

module Apply : sig ... end
module Apply_results : sig ... end

Result of applying an operation, can be used for experimenting with protocol updates, by clients to print out a summary of the operation at pre-injection simulation and at confirmation time, and by block explorers.

module Baking : sig ... end
module Blinded_public_key_hash : sig ... end

This module handles hashes of implicit contract addresses used for commitments in the origin block.

module Block_header_repr : sig ... end
module Bootstrap_storage : sig ... end
module Commitment_repr : sig ... end
module Commitment_storage : sig ... end
module Constants_repr : sig ... end
module Constants_services : sig ... end
module Constants_storage : sig ... end
module Contract_hash : sig ... end

A specialized Blake2B implementation for hashing contract identifiers.

module Contract_repr : sig ... end

This module defines identifiers for two basic types of contracts. It also specifies how to compute originated contract's hash from origination nonce.

module Contract_services : sig ... end
module Contract_storage : sig ... end
module Cycle_repr : sig ... end
module Delegate_services : sig ... end
module Delegate_storage : sig ... end
module Fees_storage : sig ... end
module Fitness_repr : sig ... end
module Fitness_storage : sig ... end
module Fixed_point_repr : sig ... end

This module defines a standard signature for modules providing fixed-point arithmetic.

module Gas_limit_repr : sig ... end

Internal representation of the gas limit available to the node baking a new block. It should be proportional to the time and energy required to perform a computation.

module Init_storage : sig ... end
module Lazy_storage_diff : sig ... end

See Lazy_storage_kind for an introduction on lazy storage.

module Lazy_storage_kind : sig ... end

Lazy_storage offers a unified interface for specific Michelson datatype that behave somewhat lazily, because they are intended to be quite big. Instead of serializing/deserializing the whole value to/from the storage, only an identifier is used. The identifier acts like a pointer. When using the value in a Michelson script, some part of it may be read from the storage, and a lightweight diff is computed. The diff is effectively applied to the storage at the end of the execution.

module Level_repr : sig ... end

This module defines the protocol representation of a level. Besides the "raw level", which is the shell's notion of the level, this representation also contains additional information, like the cycle the level belongs to.

module Level_storage : sig ... end
module Liquidity_baking_cpmm : sig ... end
module Liquidity_baking_lqt : sig ... end
module Liquidity_baking_migration : sig ... end
module Liquidity_baking_repr : sig ... end
module Main : sig ... end

Tezos Protocol Implementation - Protocol Signature Instance

module Manager_repr : sig ... end
module Michelson_v1_gas : sig ... end
module Michelson_v1_primitives : sig ... end
module Migration_repr : sig ... end
module Misc : sig ... end
module Nonce_hash : sig ... end

A specialized Blake2B implementation for hashing nonces.

module Nonce_storage : sig ... end
module Operation_repr : sig ... end

Tezos Protocol Implementation - Low level Repr. of Operations

module Parameters_repr : sig ... end

This module defines protocol parameters, i.e. constants regulating the behaviour of the blockchain under the protocol.

module Period_repr : sig ... end
module Raw_context : sig ... end
module Raw_context_intf : sig ... end

All context manipulation functions. This signature is included as-is for direct context accesses, and used in Storage_functors to provide restricted views to the context.

module Raw_level_repr : sig ... end
module Receipt_repr : sig ... end
module Roll_repr : sig ... end
module Roll_storage : sig ... end

Basic roll manipulation.

module Sapling_repr : sig ... end
module Sapling_services : sig ... end
module Sapling_storage : sig ... end
module Sapling_validator : sig ... end
module Saturation_repr : sig ... end

This module provides saturated arithmetic between 0 and 2^62 - 1.

module Script_expr_hash : sig ... end

A specialized Blake2B implementation for hashing Michelson expressions.

module Script_int_repr : sig ... end
module Script_interpreter : sig ... end

This is the Michelson interpreter.

module Script_interpreter_defs : sig ... end
module Script_ir_annot : sig ... end

Default annotations

module Script_ir_translator : sig ... end
module Script_repr : sig ... end

Defines a Michelson expression representation as a Micheline node with canonical (int) location and Michelson_v1_primitives.prim as content.

module Script_tc_errors : sig ... end
module Script_tc_errors_registration : sig ... end
module Script_timestamp_repr : sig ... end

Defines the internal Michelson representation for timestamps and basic operations that can be performed on it.

module Script_typed_ir : sig ... end
module Seed_repr : sig ... end

Tezos Protocol Implementation - Random number generation

module Seed_storage : sig ... end
module Services_registration : sig ... end
module State_hash : sig ... end

A specialized Blake2B implementation for hashing internal states of random number generators.

module Storage : sig ... end

Tezos Protocol Implementation - Typed storage

module Storage_costs : sig ... end
module Storage_description : sig ... end

This module is responsible for building the description of the current state of the storage, which is then used to build specification of the RPC endpoints for accessing the storage. It produces resto RPC_directory.t values, which can be used directly to construct the RPC endpoint tree.

module Storage_functors : sig ... end

Tezos Protocol Implementation - Typed storage builders.

module Storage_sigs : sig ... end
module Tez_repr : sig ... end
module Time_repr : sig ... end
module Vote_repr : sig ... end
module Vote_storage : sig ... end

Manages all the voting related storage in Storage.Vote.

module Voting_period_repr : sig ... end
module Voting_period_storage : sig ... end
module Voting_services : sig ... end

Innovation. Community. Security.