ascending is identical to compare. descending x y = ascending y x. These are intended to be mnemonic when used like List.sort ~compare:ascending and List.sort
~cmp:descending, since they cause the list to be sorted in ascending or descending order, respectively.
There are two pairs of integer division and remainder functions, /% and %, and / and rem. They both satisfy the same equation relating the quotient and the remainder:
x = (x /% y) * y + (x % y);
x = (x / y) * y + (rem x y);
The functions return the same values if x and y are positive. They all raise if y = 0.
The functions differ if x < 0 or y < 0.
If y < 0, then % and /% raise, whereas / and rem do not.
x % y always returns a value between 0 and y - 1, even when x < 0. On the other hand, rem x y returns a negative value if and only if x < 0; that value satisfies abs (rem x y) <= abs y - 1.
round rounds an int to a multiple of a given to_multiple_of argument, according to a direction dir, with default dir being `Nearest. round will raise if to_multiple_of <= 0.
| `Down | rounds toward Int.neg_infinity |
| `Up | rounds toward Int.infinity |
| `Nearest | rounds to the nearest multiple, or `Up in case of a tie |
| `Zero | rounds toward zero |
Here are some examples for round ~to_multiple_of:10 for each direction:
of_float_unchecked truncates the given floating point number to an integer, rounding towards zero. The result is unspecified if the argument is nan or falls outside the range of representable integers.