package lwt-exit

  1. Overview
  2. Docs


Lwt_exit provides helpers to handle:

  • OS signals,
  • cleaning-up before exiting, and
  • exiting.

Specifically, this module allows users to (1) register clean-up callbacks and (2) trigger a soft exit. When a soft exit is triggered, the clean-up callbacks are called. The process exits once all the clean-up callbacks calls have resolved.


val clean_up_starts : int Lwt.t

A global promise that resolves when clean-up starts. Note that there is no way to "just" start clean-up. Specifically, it is only possible to start the clean-up as a side-effect of triggering an exit.

It is safe to use clean_up_starts, even in the "main" promise. See example below in Miscrecommendations-Cleanlyinterruptingamainloop. It is safe because Lwt_exit always witnesses the resolution of this promise before users of the library.

val clean_up_ends : int Lwt.t

A global promise that resolves when clean-up ends.

Clean-up callbacks

Attaching and detaching callbacks.

type clean_up_callback_id
val register_clean_up_callback : ?after:clean_up_callback_id list -> loc:string -> (int -> unit Lwt.t) -> clean_up_callback_id

register_clean_up_callback f registers f to be called as part of the clean-up. Typically this is used to flush outputs, rollback/commit pending changes, gracefully close connections with peers, etc.

The call to f receives an argument n that indicates the status the process will exit with at the end of clean-up: 0 is for success, 127 for interruption by signals, 126 for uncaught exceptions, other values are available for the application's own exit codes.

The argument after, if passed, delays the call to this clean-up callback until the clean-up callbacks identified by after have resolved. Apart from this synchronization mechanism, all clean-up callbacks execute eagerly and concurrently. Note that more complex synchronization is discouraged but possible via standard Lwt techniques.

Note that if one of the callbacks identified in after is unregistered (through unregister_clean_up_callback) then it is simply ignored for the purpose of synchronization. Thus, it is important to indicate all the "dependencies" of a clean-up callback and not rely on transitive "dependencies".

Once clean-up has started, this function has no effect.

The promise returned by this callback may be canceled if it takes too long to complete. (See max_clean_up_time below.)

val unregister_clean_up_callback : clean_up_callback_id -> unit

unregister_clean_up_callback cid removes the callback with id cid from the set of functions to call for cleaning up.

Once clean-up has started, this function has no effect.

Example use:

let p = open_resource r in
let clean_p = register_clean_up_callback (fun _ -> close_resource p) in
let rec feed () =
   read () >>= fun v ->
   push_to_resource p >>= fun () ->
   feed ()
feed () >>= fun () ->
close_resource p >>= fun () ->
unregister_clean_up_callback clean_p;
Lwt.return ()


val exit_and_raise : int -> 'a

exit_and_raise n triggers a soft exit (including clean-up) and raises Stdlib.Exit. This is intended for use deep inside the program, at a place that wants to trigger an exit after observing, say, a fatal error.

val exit_and_wait : int -> int Lwt.t

exit_and_wait n triggers a soft exit (including clean-up) and stays pending until it is finished. This is intended to be used directly within for a clean exit.

Signal management

A soft signal handler is one that triggers clean-up.

After the clean-up has started, and after a safety period has elapsed, sending the same soft-handled signal a second time terminates the process immediately. The safety period is set by the parameter double_signal_safety of the wrap_and_exit, wrap_and_error, and wrap_and_forward functions (below).

A hard signal handler is one that terminates the process immediately.

IMPORTANT: a hard exit can leave open files in inconsistent states.

type signal_setup
val make_signal_setup : soft:int list -> hard:int list -> signal_setup

make_signal_setup ~soft ~hard is a signal setup with soft as soft signals and hard as hard signals.

  • raises {!Stdlib.Invalid_argument}

    if a signal is not one declared in Sys (see all Sys.sig* values).

val default_signal_setup : signal_setup

default_signal_setup is make_signal_setup ~soft:[Sys.sigint; Sys.sigterm] ~hard:[].

Note that pressing Ctrl-C sends SIGINT to the process whilst shutting it down through systemd sends SIGTERM. This is the reasoning behind the default: both of those signals should be handled softly in most cases.

val signal_name : int -> string

signal_name signal is the name of signal. E.g., signal_name Sys.sigterm is "TERM".

Main promise wrappers

val wrap_and_exit : ?signal_setup:signal_setup -> ?double_signal_safety:Ptime.Span.t -> ?max_clean_up_time:Ptime.Span.t -> 'a Lwt.t -> 'a Lwt.t

wrap_and_exit p is a promise q that behaves as follows:


If p is fulfilled with value v (and exit_and_raise was not called) then

  • q also is fulfilled with v. The process does not exit.

If exit_and_raise code is called before p is resolved, then

  • the clean-up starts,
  • p is canceled,
  • the process terminates as soon as clean-up ends with exit code code.

If p is rejected (and exit_and_raise was not called), it is equivalent to calling exit_and_raise 126. I.e.,

  • the clean-up starts,
  • the process terminates as soon as clean-up ends with exit code 126.


The exit code of the process is masked with lor 128 (i.e., setting the 8th bit) if the clean-up did not complete successfully (i.e., if any of the clean-up callbacks were rejected).

E.g., if you call exit_and_raise 1 and one of the clean-up callback fails (is rejected with an exception), then the exit code is 1 lor 128 = 129.

Note that even if one clean-up callback fails, the other clean-up callbacks are left to execute.


In addition, wrap_and_exit p sets up the signal handlers described above (see signal_setup).

Any hard-signal that is received triggers an immediate process termination with exit code 127 lor 128 = 255.

Any soft-signal that is received triggers a call to exit_and_raise 127 (the consequences of which are described above).

Note that if the same soft-signal is sent a second-time, the process terminates immediately with code 127 lor 128 = 255.

To summarize, the exit code can be thought of as a 8-bit integer with the following properties:

  • the highest bit is set if the clean-up was unsuccessful/incomplete
  • the second highest bit is set if the process exited because of a signal
  • the third highest bit is set if the process exited because of an uncaught exception
  • all other bits can be used by the application as wanted.

Note that if the second (signal) or third (exception) highest bits are set, then only the highest (incomplete clean-up) may also be set.


  • raises {!Invalid_argument}

    if called after clean-up has already started. See Miscrecommendations below for details about the consequences of this.


    The optional argument max_clean_up_time limits the time the clean-up phase is allowed to run for. If any of the clean-up callbacks is still pending when max_clean_up_time has elapsed, the process exits immediately. If the clean-up is interrupted by this then the exit code is masked with 128 as described above.

    By default max_clean_up_time is not set and no limits is set for the completion of the clean-up callbacks.

    The optional argument double_signal_safety (defaults to one (1) second) is the grace period after sending one of the softly-handled signal before sending the same signal is handled as hard.

    This is meant to protect against double-pressing Ctrl-C in an interactive terminal session. If you press Ctrl-c once, a soft exit is triggered, if you press it again (accidentally) within the grace period it is ignored, if you press it again after the grace period has elapsed it is treated as a hard exit.

    The optional argument signal_setup (defaults to default_signal_setup) sets up soft and hard handlers at the beginning and clears them when q resolves.


    Intended use:

    Stdlib.exit @@ begin
       Lwt_exit.wrap_and_exit (init ()) >>= fun v ->
       let ccbid_v = register_clean_up_callback ~loc:__LOC__ (fun _ -> clean v) in
       Lwt_exit.wrap_and_exit (main v) >>= fun r ->
       let () = unregister_clean_up_callback ccbid_v in
       let ccbid_r = register_clean_up_callback ~loc:__LOC__ (fun _ -> free r) in
       Lwt_exit.wrap_and_exit (shutdown v) >>= fun () ->
       exit_and_wait 0 (* clean exit afterwards *)
val wrap_and_error : ?signal_setup:signal_setup -> ?double_signal_safety:Ptime.Span.t -> ?max_clean_up_time:Ptime.Span.t -> 'a Lwt.t -> ('a, int) Stdlib.result Lwt.t

wrap_and_error p is similar to wrap_and_exit p but it resolves to Error status instead of exiting with status. When it resolves with Error _ (i.e., if a soft-exit has been triggered), clean-up has already ended.

Intended use:

Stdlib.exit @@ begin
   Lwt_exit.wrap_and_error (init ()) >>= function
   | Error exit_status ->
      Format.eprintf "Initialisation failed\n%!";
      Lwt.return exit_status
   | Ok v ->
      Lwt_exit.wrap_and_error (main v) >>= function
      | Error exit_status ->
         Format.eprintf "Processing failed\n%!";
         Lwt.return exit_status
      | Ok v ->
         Lwt_exit.wrap_and_error (shutdown ()) >>= function
         | Error exit_status ->
            Format.eprintf "Shutdown failed\n%!";
            Lwt.return exit_status
         | Ok () ->
            exit_and_wait 0 >>= fun _ ->
            Lwt.return 0
val wrap_and_forward : ?signal_setup:signal_setup -> ?double_signal_safety:Ptime.Span.t -> ?max_clean_up_time:Ptime.Span.t -> int Lwt.t -> int Lwt.t

wrap_and_forward p is similar to wrap_and_error p except that it collapses Ok _ and Error _.

Note that, in general, you can expect the status 0 to come from a successfully resolved p. However, It could also be because of a soft-exit with status 0. As a result, you cannot be certain, based on the status alone, whether clean-up callbacks have been called.

Intended use:

Stdlib.exit @@ begin
   Lwt_exit.wrap_and_forward (main ()) >>= function
   | 0 ->
      Format.printf "I'm done, bye!\n%!";
      Lwt.return 0
   | 127 -> (* signaling *)
      Format.printf "Shutdown complete\n";
      Lwt.return 1
   | 126 -> (* uncaught exception *)
      Format.printf "An error occurred.\n";
      Format.printf "Please check %s\n" log_file;
      Format.printf "And consider reporting the issue\n%!";
      Lwt.return 2
   | _ -> assert false

Misc recommendations


Lwt_exit is one-shot: once the clean-up has started, further uses of wrap_and_* will raise Invalid_argument.

Note, for example, how in the wrap_and_error example, wrap_and_error is called multiple time, but on Ok branches where clean-up has not happened. This is ok.

On the other hand, using wrap_and_error in an Error branch would be unsound because clean-up has happened in these branches.

Registering callbacks

To the extent that it is possible, you should register your clean-up callbacks as soon as a resource that needs clean-up is allocated.

let r = <resource initialization> in
let c = register_clean_up_callback ~loc:__LOC__ (fun s -> <clean-up code>) in
<resource use>;
let () = unregister_clean_up_callback c in
<normal clean-up code>;

When possible, you can even register the callback before-hand.

let rr = ref None in
let c = register_clean_up_callback
   (fun s -> Option.iter (fun r -> <clean-up code>) !rr)
let rr := Some <resource initialization> in
<resource use>;
let () = unregister_clean_up_callback c in
rr := None;
<normal clean-up code>;

Registering, unregistering, and loops

In a tight-loop, in the event loop of an actor, etc. avoid registering and unregistering clean-up callbacks repeatedly. Instead, you should create an intermediate layer dedicated to clean-up. E.g.,

let module Resources = Set.Make(<resource OrderedType module>) in
let rs = ref Resources.empty in
let c = register_clean_up_callback
   (fun s -> Resources.iter
      (fun r -> <resource clean-up>; Lwt.return ())
let rec loop () =
   receive () >>= function
   | End -> Lwt.return ()
   | Input input ->
      let _process =
         let r = <resource initialization> in
         rs := Resources.add r !rs;
         <resource use (use input)> >>= fun () ->
         rs := Resources.remove r !rs;
         <normal clean-up>;
         Lwt.return ()
      loop ()
loop ()

Note that this is a general example and your specific use would differ.

More importantly, note that in this specific case we do not unregister the clean-up callback because there is no point at which we know that the resource set is empty. It's ok because the clean-up will be a very fast no-op. Coming up with a solution that allows unregistering of the clean-up callback is left as an exercise to the reader.

Cleanly interrupting a main loop

In a program that does not normally exit, you might want to interrupt the main loop (to avoid further processing) as soon as clean-up has started (either because a signal was received or because a fatal exception deep within the program was handled by calling exit_and_raise).

This is easily achieved by passing the main-loop to wrap_and_*. As mentioned in the documentation of wrap_and_exit, the promise passed as argument is cancelled as soon as the clean-up starts.

However, there may be other loops that are not syntactically available to the main wrapper. In this case, the simple pattern below is safe and the loop, provided it is cancelable, will stop when the clean-up starts.

let rec loop () =
   get_task () >>= fun task ->
   process task >>= fun () ->
   loop ()
Lwt.pick [loop (); Lwt_exit.clean_up_starts]

Arguably, for such a simple case, you can replace the pattern above by a simple clean-up callback that cancels the loop. However, for more complex arrangements, the pick-with-clean_up_starts pattern above can be useful.


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