package tezos-base

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

Configure the event-logging framework for UNIx-based applications.

The JSON-file-friendly definition of the configuration of the internal-events framework. It allows one to activate registered event sinks.

module Configuration : sig ... end
val env_var_name : string

This is the environment variable name that contains the a list of URIs on which events can be reported (see init).

val init : ?log_cfg:Tezos_stdlib_unix.Lwt_log_sink_unix.cfg -> ?internal_events:Tezos_base.Internal_event_config.t -> unit -> unit Lwt.t

Initialize the internal-event sinks by looking at the ?internal_events argument and then at the (whitespace separated) list of URIs in the "TEZOS_EVENTS_CONFIG" environment variable, if an URI does not have a scheme it is expected to be a path to a configuration JSON file (cf. Configuration.of_file), e.g.: export TEZOS_EVENTS_CONFIG="unix-files:///tmp/events-unix debug://", or export TEZOS_EVENTS_CONFIG="debug:// /path/to/config.json".

The function also initializes the Lwt_log_sink_unix module (corresponding to the "TEZOS_LOG" environment variable).

  • internal_events is the value of configured sinks of command calling init.
  • log_cfg is the configuration specific to the default sinks if applicable.
val close : unit -> unit Lwt.t

Call close on all the sinks.

make_with_defaults ?enable_default_daily_logs_at ?internal_events creates internal event configuration using default values depending on parameters.

  • If internal_events is provided, nothing is modified. Otherwise default values are used.
  • enable_default_daily_logs_at adds daily rotating sink at the given path with the following value: "file-descriptor-path:///<daily_logs_path>/daily.log ?create-dirs=true&daily-logs=7&section-prefix=info&format=pp"
val make_with_defaults : ?internal_events:Tezos_base.Internal_event_config.t -> ?enable_default_daily_logs_at:string -> unit -> Tezos_base.Internal_event_config.t
val init_with_defaults : ?internal_events:Tezos_base.Internal_event_config.t -> ?enable_default_daily_logs_at:string -> ?log_cfg:Tezos_stdlib_unix.Lwt_log_sink_unix.cfg -> unit -> unit Lwt.t

Calls init with the same arguments as make_with_defaults


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