package macaque

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
module type THREAD = sig ... end
module type QUERY = sig ... end
module Make (Thread : THREAD) : QUERY with type 'a Db.monad = 'a Thread.t
module Make_with_Db (Thread : THREAD) (Db : PGOCaml_generic.PGOCAML_GENERIC with type 'a monad = 'a Thread.t) : QUERY with module Db = Db
include QUERY with type 'a Db.monad = 'a PGOCaml.monad and type 'a Db.t = 'a PGOCaml.t
module Db : PGOCaml_generic.PGOCAML_GENERIC with type 'a monad = 'a PGOCaml.monad with type 'a t = 'a PGOCaml.t
val query : _ Db.t -> ?log:Pervasives.out_channel -> 'a Sql.query -> 'a Db.monad
val view : _ Db.t -> ?log:Pervasives.out_channel -> ('a, _) Sql.view -> 'a list Db.monad
val view_one : _ Db.t -> ?log:Pervasives.out_channel -> ('a, _) Sql.view -> 'a Db.monad
val view_opt : _ Db.t -> ?log:Pervasives.out_channel -> ('a, _) Sql.view -> 'a option Db.monad
val value : _ Db.t -> ?log:Pervasives.out_channel -> < t : 'a Sql.type_info ; nul : Sql.non_nullable.. > Sql.t -> 'a Db.monad
val value_opt : _ Db.t -> ?log:Pervasives.out_channel -> < t : 'a Sql.type_info ; nul : Sql.nullable.. > Sql.t -> 'a option Db.monad

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