package lablgtk

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
constraint 'b = [< items_properties ]
val obj : 'c Gtk.obj
method affine_absolute : float array -> unit
method affine_relative : float array -> unit
method as_item : GnomeCanvas.item Gtk.obj
method canvas : canvas
method connect : item_signals
method destroy : unit -> unit
method get_bounds : float array
method get_oid : int
method grab : Gdk.Tags.event_mask list -> Gdk.cursor -> int32 -> unit
method grab_focus : unit -> unit
method hide : unit -> unit
method i2c_affine : float array
method i2w : x:float -> y:float -> float * float
method i2w_affine : float array
method lower : int -> unit
method lower_to_bottom : unit -> unit
method move : x:float -> y:float -> unit
method parent : group
method raise : int -> unit
method raise_to_top : unit -> unit
method reparent : group -> unit
method set : 'b list -> unit
method show : unit -> unit
method ungrab : int32 -> unit
method w2i : x:float -> y:float -> float * float
method xform : [ `AFFINE of float array | `IDENTITY | `TRANSL of float array ]

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