package ctypes-foreign

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type 'a ffitype = Ctypes_ptr.voidp
type struct_ffitype
val primitive_ffitype : 'a Ctypes_primitive_types.prim -> 'a ffitype
val pointer_ffitype : unit -> Ctypes_ptr.voidp ffitype
val void_ffitype : unit -> unit ffitype
val allocate_struct_ffitype : int -> struct_ffitype
val struct_type_set_argument : struct_ffitype -> int -> _ ffitype -> unit
val complete_struct_type : struct_ffitype -> unit
val ffi_type_of_struct_type : struct_ffitype -> _ ffitype
type callspec
val allocate_callspec : check_errno:bool -> runtime_lock:bool -> thread_registration:bool -> callspec
val add_argument : callspec -> _ ffitype -> int
val prep_callspec : callspec -> int -> _ ffitype -> unit
val call : string -> (_, _ Ctypes_static.fn) Ctypes_ptr.Fat.t -> callspec -> (Ctypes_ptr.voidp -> (Obj.t * int) array -> unit) -> (Ctypes_ptr.voidp -> 'a) -> 'a
type boxedfn =
  1. | Done of Ctypes_ptr.voidp -> unit * callspec
  2. | Fn of Ctypes_ptr.voidp -> boxedfn
type funptr_handle
val make_function_pointer : callspec -> int -> funptr_handle
val raw_address_of_function_pointer : funptr_handle -> Ctypes_ptr.voidp
val set_closure_callback : (int -> Obj.t) -> unit
exception Ffi_internal_error of string
exception CallToExpiredClosure

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