package alcotest

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type event = [
  1. | `Result of Alcotest_engine__.Model.Test_name.t * [ `Ok | `Exn of Alcotest_engine__.Model.Test_name.t * string * unit Fmt.t | `Error of Alcotest_engine__.Model.Test_name.t * unit Fmt.t | `Skip | `Todo of string ]
  2. | `Start of Alcotest_engine__.Model.Test_name.t
type result = {
  1. success : int;
  2. failures : int;
  3. time : float;
  4. errors : unit Fmt.t list;
val tag : [ `Ok | `Fail | `Skip | `Todo | `Assert ] Fmt.t
module Make (X : sig ... end) : sig ... end

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