from_direct f does the same as from but with a function that does not return a thread. It is better than wrapping f into a function which returns a thread.
Exception raised by the push function of a push-stream when pushing an element after the end of stream (= None) have been pushed.
create () returns a new stream and a push function.
val create_with_reference : unit ->'at * ('a option-> unit) * ('b-> unit)
create_with_reference () returns a new stream and a push function. The last function allows a reference to be set to an external source. This prevents the external source from being garbage collected.
For example, to convert a reactive event to a stream:
let stream, push, set_ref = Lwt_stream.create_with_reference () in
set_ref (map_event push event)
Exception raised by the push function of a bounded push-stream when the stream queue is full and a thread is already waiting to push an element.
create_bounded size returns a new stream and a bounded push source. The stream can hold a maximum of size elements. When this limit is reached, pushing a new element will block until one is consumed.
Note that you cannot clone or parse (with parse) a bounded stream. These functions will raise Invalid_argument if you try to do so.
clone st clone the given stream. Operations on each stream will not affect the other.
For example:
# let st1 = Lwt_stream.of_list [1; 2; 3];;
val st1 : int Lwt_stream.t = <abstr>
# let st2 = Lwt_stream.clone st1;;
val st2 : int Lwt_stream.t = <abstr>
# lwt x = st1;;
val x : int = 1
# lwt y = st2;;
val y : int = 1
It raises Invalid_argument if st is a bounded push-stream.
is_closed st returns whether the given stream has been closed. A closed stream is not necessarily empty. It may still contain unread elements. If is_closed s = true, then all subsequent reads until the end of the stream are guaranteed not to block.
Note: all the following functions are destructive.
For example:
# let st1 = Lwt_stream.of_list [1; 2; 3];;
val st1 : int Lwt_stream.t = <abstr>
# let st2 = string_of_int st1;;
val st2 : string Lwt_stream.t = <abstr>
# lwt x = st1;;
val x : int = 1
# lwt y = st2;;
val y : string = "2"