package git

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type


module Digestif : Digestif.S


type nonrec t = Digestif.t t
type hash = Digestif.t
type decode_error := [
  1. | `Msg of string
type error = private [>
  1. | `Not_found of hash
  2. | `Reference_not_found of Reference.t
  3. | decode_error
val pp_error : error Fmt.t
module Hash : sig ... end
module Value : Value.S with type hash = hash
module Reference : Reference.S with type hash = hash
val dotgit : t -> Fpath.t

dotgit state returns the current ".git" path used - eg. the default ?dotgit value of v if the client does not notice a specific value.

val root : t -> Fpath.t

root state returns the current path of the repository. eg. the default value ?root value of v if the client does not notice a specific value.

val contents : t -> (hash * Value.t) list Lwt.t

contents state returns an associated list between the hash and its bind git object. This list contains all git objects available in the current git repository state.

val size : t -> hash -> (int64, error) Stdlib.result Lwt.t

size state hash returns the size of the git object which respects the predicate digest(object) = hash. The size is how many byte(s) are needed to store the serialized (but not deflated) git object in bytes (without the header).

val read : t -> hash -> (Value.t, error) Stdlib.result Lwt.t

read state hash can retrieve a git object from the current repository state. It de-serializes the git object to an OCaml value.

val read_opt : t -> hash -> (Value.t option, decode_error) Stdlib.result Lwt.t

read_opt state hash is like read but does not return (or log) an error if the git object referenced by hash cannot be retrieved from state.

val read_exn : t -> hash -> Value.t Lwt.t

read_exn state hash is an alias of read but raise an exception (instead to return a result) if the git object requested does not exist or when we catch any others errors.

val mem : t -> hash -> bool Lwt.t

mem state hash checks if one object satisfies the predicate digest(object) = hash.

val list : t -> hash list Lwt.t

list state lists all git objects available in the current git repository state.

val write : t -> Value.t -> (hash * int, error) Stdlib.result Lwt.t

write state v writes the value v in the git repository state.

val batch_write : t -> hash -> pck:(unit -> string option Lwt.t) -> idx:(unit -> string option Lwt.t) -> (unit, error) Stdlib.result Lwt.t

batch_write state map pack index writes all objects indexed into index and available into pack in the git repository state.

val fold : t -> ('acc -> ?name:Fpath.t -> length:int64 -> hash -> Value.t -> 'acc Lwt.t) -> path:Fpath.t -> 'acc -> hash -> 'acc Lwt.t

fold state f ~path acc hash iters on any git objects reachable by the git object hash which located in path (for example, if you iter on a commit, path should be "." - however, if you iter on a tree, path should be the directory path represented by your tree). For each git object, we notice the path name (derived from path) if the object is a Blob or a Tree, the length or the git object (see size), the hash and the value.

If the hash points to:

  • Value.Blob.t: f is called only one time with the OCaml value of the blob.
  • Value.Tree.t: f is called firstly with the OCaml value of the pointed tree by the hash hash. Then, we iter (and call f for each iteration) in the list of entries of the tree. Finally, we retrieve recursively all sub-tree objects and do an ascending walk. f is never called more than one time for each hash.
  • Value.Commit.t: f is called firstly with the OCaml value of the pointed commit by the hash hash. Then, it follows recursively all parents of the current commit, Finally, it starts a fold inside the pointed root tree git object of each commit previously retrieved. f is never called more than one time for each hash.
  • Value.Tag.t: f is called firstly with the OCaml value of the pointed tag by the hash hash. Then, it follows the git object pointed by the tag.

Any retrieved error is missed.

val iter : t -> (hash -> Value.t -> unit Lwt.t) -> hash -> unit Lwt.t
module Ref : sig ... end
val reset : t -> (unit, error) Stdlib.result Lwt.t

reset t removes all things of the git repository t and ensures it will be empty.

val read_inflated : t -> hash -> ([ `Commit | `Tag | `Blob | `Tree ] * Cstruct.t) option Lwt.t

read_inflated state hash returns the inflated git object which respect the predicate digest(value) = hash. We return the kind of the object and the inflated value as a Cstruct.t (which the client can take the ownership).

val write_inflated : t -> kind:[ `Commit | `Tree | `Blob | `Tag ] -> Cstruct.t -> hash Lwt.t

write_inflated state kind raw writes the git object in the git repository state and associates the kind to this object. This function does not verify if the raw data is well-defined (and respects the Git format). Then, this function returns the hash produced from the kind and the inflated raw to let the user to retrieve it.

val is_shallowed : t -> hash -> bool Lwt.t
val shallowed : t -> hash list Lwt.t
val shallow : t -> hash -> unit Lwt.t
val unshallow : t -> hash -> unit Lwt.t

Backend Features

val has_global_watches : bool
val has_global_checkout : bool
val v : ?dotgit:Fpath.t -> Fpath.t -> (t, error) Stdlib.result Lwt.t

create ?dotgit root creates a new store represented by the path root (you can use Fpath.v "." as a sane default), where the Git objects are located in dotgit (default is root / ".git").


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