package ctypes

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
val format_seq : string -> (Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit) -> string -> string -> Format.formatter -> 'a list -> unit
val format_ty : Format.formatter -> Cstubs_c_language.ty -> unit
val cvar_name : [< `Global of Cstubs_c_language.cglobal | `Local of string * 'a ] -> string
val cvar : Format.formatter -> [< `Global of Cstubs_c_language.cglobal | `Local of string * 'a ] -> unit
val cconst : Format.formatter -> [< `Int of Signed.SInt.t ] -> unit
val camlxParam : Format.formatter -> string list -> unit
val camlParam : Format.formatter -> string list -> unit
val cast_unnecessary : Cstubs_c_language.ty -> Cstubs_c_language.cexp -> bool
val cexp : Format.formatter -> Cstubs_c_language.cexp -> unit
val clvalue : Format.formatter -> Cstubs_c_language.clvalue -> unit
val camlop : Format.formatter -> Cstubs_c_language.camlop -> unit
val ceff : Format.formatter -> Cstubs_c_language.ceff -> unit
val ccomp : Format.formatter -> Cstubs_c_language.ccomp -> unit
val format_parameter_list : (string * Cstubs_c_language.ty) list -> (Format.formatter -> unit) -> Format.formatter -> unit
val cfundec : Format.formatter -> Cstubs_c_language.cfundec -> unit
val storage_class : Format.formatter -> [< `Extern | `Static ] -> unit
val cfundef : Format.formatter -> Cstubs_c_language.cfundef -> unit

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