package core_kernel

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
include Substring_intf.S with type base = string
type base = string

the type of strings that type t is a substring of

type t
val mem : t -> Base.Char.t -> bool
val length : t -> int
val is_empty : t -> bool
val iter : t -> f:(Base.Char.t -> unit) -> unit
val fold : t -> init:'accum -> f:('accum -> Base.Char.t -> 'accum) -> 'accum
val fold_result : t -> init:'accum -> f:('accum -> Base.Char.t -> ('accum, 'e) Base__.Result.t) -> ('accum, 'e) Base__.Result.t
val fold_until : t -> init:'accum -> f: ('accum -> Base.Char.t -> ('accum, 'stop) Base.Container_intf.Continue_or_stop.t) -> ('accum, 'stop) Base.Container_intf.Finished_or_stopped_early.t
val exists : t -> f:(Base.Char.t -> bool) -> bool
val for_all : t -> f:(Base.Char.t -> bool) -> bool
val count : t -> f:(Base.Char.t -> bool) -> int
val sum : (module Base__.Commutative_group.S with type t = 'sum) -> t -> f:(Base.Char.t -> 'sum) -> 'sum
val find : t -> f:(Base.Char.t -> bool) -> Base.Char.t option
val find_map : t -> f:(Base.Char.t -> 'a option) -> 'a option
val to_list : t -> Base.Char.t list
val to_array : t -> Base.Char.t array
val min_elt : t -> cmp:(Base.Char.t -> Base.Char.t -> int) -> Base.Char.t option
val max_elt : t -> cmp:(Base.Char.t -> Base.Char.t -> int) -> Base.Char.t option
val base : t -> base
val pos : t -> Base.Int.t

pos refers to the position in the base string, not any other substring that this substring was generated from.

val get : t -> Base.Int.t -> Base.Char.t

Per String.get and Bigstring.get, this raises an exception if the index is out of bounds.

val create : ?pos:Base.Int.t -> ?len:Base.Int.t -> base -> t

create ?pos ?len base creates a substring of the base sequence of length len starting at position pos, i.e.

base.[pos], base.[pos + 1], ... base.[pos + len - 1] 

An exception is raised if any of those indices into base are invalid.

It does not copy the characters, so mutating base mutates t and vice versa.

val sub : ?pos:Base.Int.t -> ?len:Base.Int.t -> t -> t
Blit functions

for copying characters from a substring to and from both strings and substrings.

val blit_to_string : t -> dst:Base.String.t -> dst_pos:Base.Int.t -> Base.Unit.t
val blit_to_bigstring : t -> dst:Bigstring.t -> dst_pos:Base.Int.t -> Base.Unit.t
val blit_from_string : t -> src:Base.String.t -> src_pos:Base.Int.t -> len:Base.Int.t -> Base.Unit.t
val blit_from_bigstring : t -> src:Bigstring.t -> src_pos:Base.Int.t -> len:Base.Int.t -> Base.Unit.t
String concatenation
val concat : t Base.List.t -> t

These always copy.

val concat_string : t Base.List.t -> Base.String.t
val concat_bigstring : t Base.List.t -> Bigstring.t
val of_bigstring : Bigstring.t -> t

Conversion to substrings

. These may share memory with the thing from which they are copying.

val of_string : Base.String.t -> t
val to_bigstring : t -> Bigstring.t

these two functions perform a copy

val to_string : t -> Base.String.t
Prefixes and suffixes

The result of these functions share data with their input, but don't mutate the underlying string.

val drop_prefix : t -> Base.Int.t -> t
val drop_suffix : t -> Base.Int.t -> t
val prefix : t -> Base.Int.t -> t
val suffix : t -> Base.Int.t -> t

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