package core_kernel

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

Peek and Poke functions access a value at pos from the lower bound of the window and do not advance.

Peek.bin_prot X.bin_read_t t returns the initial X.t in t without advancing.

Following the bin_prot protocol, the representation of x is X.bin_size_t x bytes long. Peek., Poke., Consume., and Fill.bin_prot do not add any size prefix or other framing to the bin_prot representation.

type 'seek src = (, 'seek) t

Similar to Consume.To_*, but do not advance the buffer.

module To_bytes : Core.Blit.S1_distinct with type 'seek src := 'seek src with type _ dst := Core.Bytes.t
module To_bigstring : Core.Blit.S1_distinct with type 'seek src := 'seek src with type _ dst := Core.Bigstring.t
module To_string : sig ... end
type ('a, 'd, 'w) t = ('d, 'w) t -> pos:int -> 'a
type ('a, 'd, 'w) t_local = ('d, 'w) t -> pos:int -> 'a
val char : (char, 'd, 'w) t
val bin_prot : 'a Core.Bin_prot.Type_class.reader -> ('a, 'd, 'w) t
val int8 : (int, 'd, 'w) t
val int16_be : (int, 'd, 'w) t
val int16_le : (int, 'd, 'w) t
val int32_be : (int, 'd, 'w) t
val int32_le : (int, 'd, 'w) t
val int64_be_exn : (int, 'd, 'w) t
val int64_le_exn : (int, 'd, 'w) t
val int64_be_trunc : (int, 'd, 'w) t
val int64_le_trunc : (int, 'd, 'w) t
val uint8 : (int, 'd, 'w) t
val uint16_be : (int, 'd, 'w) t
val uint16_le : (int, 'd, 'w) t
val uint32_be : (int, 'd, 'w) t
val uint32_le : (int, 'd, 'w) t
val uint64_be_exn : (int, 'd, 'w) t
val uint64_le_exn : (int, 'd, 'w) t
val int64_t_be : (Core.Int64.t, 'd, 'w) t
val int64_t_le : (Core.Int64.t, 'd, 'w) t
val head_padded_fixed_string : padding:char -> len:int -> (string, 'd, 'w) t
val tail_padded_fixed_string : padding:char -> len:int -> (string, 'd, 'w) t
val string : str_pos:int -> len:int -> (string, 'd, 'w) t
val bytes : str_pos:int -> len:int -> (Core.Bytes.t, 'd, 'w) t
val bigstring : str_pos:int -> len:int -> (Core.Bigstring.t, 'd, 'w) t
val stringo : ?str_pos:int -> ?len:int -> (string, 'd, 'w) t
val byteso : ?str_pos:int -> ?len:int -> (Core.Bytes.t, 'd, 'w) t
val bigstringo : ?str_pos:int -> ?len:int -> (Core.Bigstring.t, 'd, 'w) t
module Local : sig ... end
module Int_repr : sig ... end
val index : ([> ], _) iobuf -> ?pos:int -> ?len:int -> char -> int option

index ?pos ?len t c returns Some i for the smallest i >= pos such that char t i = c, or None if there is no such i.

  • parameter pos

    default = 0

  • parameter len

    default = length t - pos


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