package ocaml-migrate-parsetree
type missing_feature =
| Pexp_letexception
| Ppat_open
| Pexp_unreachable
| PSig
| Pcstr_record
| Pconst_integer
| Pconst_float
| Pcl_open
| Pcty_open
| Oinherit
| Pwith_typesubst_longident
| Pwith_modsubst_longident
| Pexp_open
| Pexp_letop
| Psig_typesubst
| Psig_modsubst
| Otyp_module
| Immediate64
| Anonymous_let_module
| Anonymous_unpack
| Anonymous_module_binding
| Anonymous_module_declaration
Features which are not available in all versions of the frontend
exception Migration_error of missing_feature * Location.t
Exception thrown by migration functions when a feature is not supported.
val missing_feature_description : missing_feature -> string
missing_feature_description x
is a text describing the feature x
val missing_feature_minimal_version : missing_feature -> string
missing_feature_minimal_version x
is the OCaml version where x was introduced.
val migration_error_message : missing_feature -> string
Turn a missing feature into a reasonable error message.
sectionYPositions = computeSectionYPositions($el), 10)" x-init="setTimeout(() => sectionYPositions = computeSectionYPositions($el), 10)">