package tezos-base

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

Information about a connection

type 'meta t = {
  1. incoming : bool;
  2. peer_id : P2p_peer_id.t;
  3. id_point : Id.t;

    Contact point: host address along with the TCP port on which the peer can be reached (listening port).

  4. remote_socket_port : P2p_addr.port;

    Port we're actually connected to. This port is equal to the contact (listening) port in case of an outgoing connection, and may be different in case of an incoming connection.

  5. announced_version : Network_version.t;
  6. private_node : bool;
  7. local_metadata : 'meta;
  8. remote_metadata : 'meta;
val pp : (Format.formatter -> 'meta -> unit) -> Format.formatter -> 'meta t -> unit
val encoding : 'meta Data_encoding.t -> 'meta t Data_encoding.t

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