package parsexp

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type 'a res
type chunk_to_conv
type parsed_sexp
val parse_string : string -> (chunk_to_conv -> 'a) -> ('a res, Conv_error.t) Pervasives.result
val parse_string_exn : string -> (chunk_to_conv -> 'a) -> 'a res
val conv_exn : (parsed_sexp * Positions.t) -> (chunk_to_conv -> 'a) -> 'a res

Convenience function for merging parsing and conversion errors.

For instance if you have a load function as follow:

val load : string -> (Sexp.t list * Positions.t, Parse_error.t) result

then you can create a load_conv function as follow:

let load_conv : string -> (Sexp.t -> 'a) -> ('a list, Conv_error.t) result
  = fun filename f -> conv_combine (load filename) f

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