package bindlib

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

The Bindlib library provides support for free and bound variables in the OCaml language. The main application is the representation of types with a binding structure (e.g., abstract syntax trees).

  • author Christophe Raffalli
  • author Rodolphe Lepigre
  • version 6.0.0

Variables, binders and substitution

The Bindlib library provides two type constructors for building abstract syntax trees: type 'a var representing a free variable of type 'a, and type ('a,'b) binder representing a binding of a variable of type 'a in a value of type 'b. Intuitively, type ('a,'b) binder can be thought of as 'a -> 'b. Types 'a mvar and ('a,'b) mbinder are also provided for handling arrays of variables more efficiently.

type 'a var

Type of a free variable of type 'a.

type 'a mvar = 'a var array

Type of an array of variables of type 'a.

type ('a, 'b) binder

Type of a binder for a variable of type 'a into an element of type 'b. In terms of higher order abstract syntax, it can be seen as 'a -> 'b.

type ('a, 'b) mbinder

Type of a binder for an array of variables of type 'a into an element of type 'b. This representation is more efficient than a nesting of binders of type ('a,'b) binder, but substitution can only be performed the whole array of variables at once.

As an example, a type representing the terms of the pure λ-calculus can be defined as follows using types 'a var and ('a,'b) binder.

type term =
  | Var of term var
  | Abs of (term, term) binder
  | App of term * term 
val subst : ('a, 'b) binder -> 'a -> 'b

subst b v substitutes the variable bound by b with the value v. This operation is very efficient.

val msubst : ('a, 'b) mbinder -> 'a array -> 'b

msubst b vs substitutes the variables bound by b with the values vs. This operation is very efficient. Note however that the length of the vs array should match the arity of b (as given by mbinder_arity b). If it is not the case, the exception Invalid_argument "Bad arity in msubst" is raised.

Coming back to our pure λ-calculus example, call-by-name evaluation can be defined as a simple recursive function using subst.

let rec eval : term -> term = fun t ->
  match t with
  | App(f,a) ->
        match eval f with
        | Abs(b) -> eval (subst b a)
        | _      -> t
  | _        -> t 
val new_var : ('a var -> 'a) -> string -> 'a var

new_var mkfree name creates a new variable using a function mkfree and a name. The mkfree function is used to inject variables in the type of the corresponding objects: it is a form of syntactic wrapper that is often defined to be a constructor (see the example below).

val new_mvar : ('a var -> 'a) -> string array -> 'a mvar

new_mvar mkfree names creates an array of new variables using a function mkfree (see new_var) and an array of variable names.

For our pure λ-calculus example, where variables have type term var, the mkfree function would simply be defined as follows.

let mkfree : term var -> term = fun x -> Var(x) 
val name_of : 'a var -> string

name_of x returns the name corresponding to variable x. Note that this name is generally not safe for printing since names are not updated when a substitution is performed. For instance, variables may appear to have been captured in the text representation of a structure with variable bindings. To circumvent this issue, one must be particularly careful when converting binders into text, and rely on contexts (see type ctxt below).

val names_of : 'a mvar -> string array

names_of xs returns names corresponding to variables xs. As when using name_of, care should be taken when converting objects with bindings into a text representation.

val unbind : ('a, 'b) binder -> 'a var * 'b

unbind b substitutes the binder b using a fresh variable. The variable and the result of the substitution are returned. Note that the name of the fresh variable is based on that of the binder, but it is not guaranteed to be safe for printing (see new_var and unbind_in). However, there is no problem for other operations such as re-establishing the binding. When the fresh variable is created, the mkfree function that is used is that that was specified when creating the variable that was originally bound by b, at the time of its creation (see new_var and bind_var).

val unbind2 : ('a, 'b) binder -> ('a, 'c) binder -> 'a var * 'b * 'c

unbind2 f g is similar to unbind f, but it substitutes two binders f and g at once using the same fresh variable. The name of the variable is based on that of the binder f. Similarly, the mkfree syntactic wrapper that is used for the fresh variable is the one that was given for creating the variable that was bound to construct f (see bind_var and new_var for details on this process). In particular, the use of unbind2 may lead to unexpected results if the binders f and g were not built using free variables created with the same mkfree. Moreover, as with unbind, the name of the fresh variable is not guaranteed to be safe for printing.

val eq_binder : ('b -> 'b -> bool) -> ('a, 'b) binder -> ('a, 'b) binder -> bool

eq_binder eq f g tests the equality between f and g. The binders are first substituted with the same fresh variable (using unbind2), and eq is called on the resulting values. Note that eq_binder may not have the expected result if f and g were not built by binding variables with an identical mkfree syntactic wrapper.

val unmbind : ('a, 'b) mbinder -> 'a mvar * 'b

unmbind b substitutes the multiple binder b with fresh variables. This function is analogous to unbind for binders. Note that the names used to create the fresh variables are based on those of the multiple binder. The syntactic wrapper (of mkfree) that is used to build the variables is the one that was given when creating the multiple variables that were bound in b (see new_mvar and bind_mvar). Moreover, note that as for unbind, the names of the fresh variables may not be safe for printing.

val unmbind2 : ('a, 'b) mbinder -> ('a, 'c) mbinder -> 'a mvar * 'b * 'c

unmbind2 f g is similar to unmbind f, but it substitutes two multiple binder f and g at once, using the same fresh variables. Note that the two binders must have the same arity. This function may have an unexpected results in some cases, and the fresh variables may have names that are not safe for printing (see unbind2).

val eq_mbinder : ('b -> 'b -> bool) -> ('a, 'b) mbinder -> ('a, 'b) mbinder -> bool

eq_mbinder eq f g tests the equality of the two multiple binders f and g. They are substituted with the same fresh variables (using unmbind2) and eq is called on the resulting values. This function may not have the expected result in some cases, for reasons explained in the documentation of eq_binder. It is safe to use this function on multiple binders with a different arity (they are considered different).

The unbind function is often useful for term traversals. For instance, a function computing the size of a pure λ-term can be defined as follows.

let rec size : term -> int = fun t ->
  match t with
  | Var(_)   -> 0
  | Abs(b)   -> let (_,t) = unbind b in
                1 + size t
  | App(t,u) -> 1 + size t + size u 

Note however that it is not a good idea to define a term-printing function using a combination of unbind and name_of. Indeed, as explained in the documentation of name_of, contexts must be used to ensure that displayed variable names are correct.

Constructing terms and binders in the binding box

To obtain fast substitutions, a price must be paid at the construction of terms. Indeed, binders (i.e., element of type ('a,'b) binder) cannot be defined directly. Instead, they are put together in the type 'a box. It correspond to a term of type 'a whose free variables may be bound.

type +'a box

Type of a term of type 'a under construction. Using this representation, the free variables of the term can be bound easily.

val box_var : 'a var -> 'a box

box_var x injects variable x into the 'a box type, so that it can be bound using bind_var.

val box : 'a -> 'a box

box e injects the value e into the 'a box type, assuming that it is closed. Thus, if e contains variables, then they will not be considered free. This means that no variable of e will be available for binding.

val apply_box : ('a -> 'b) box -> 'a box -> 'b box

apply_box bf ba applies the boxed function bf to a boxed argument ba inside the box type. This function is used to build new expressions by applying a function with free variables to an argument with free variables (the 'a box type is an applicative functor whose application operator is apply_box, and whose unit is box).

val box_apply : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a box -> 'b box

box_apply f ba applies the function f to a boxed argument ba. It is equivalent to apply_box (box f) ba, but is more efficient.

val box_apply2 : ('a -> 'b -> 'c) -> 'a box -> 'b box -> 'c box

box_apply2 f ba bb applies the function f to two boxed arguments: ba and bb. It is equivalent to apply_box (apply_box (box f) ba) bb but it is more efficient.

val bind_var : 'a var -> 'b box -> ('a, 'b) binder box

bind_var x b binds the variable x in b, producing a boxed binder.

val bind_mvar : 'a mvar -> 'b box -> ('a, 'b) mbinder box

bind_mvar xs b binds the variables of xs in b to get a boxed binder. It is the equivalent of bind_var to build a multiple binder.

val box_binder : ('b -> 'b box) -> ('a, 'b) binder -> ('a, 'b) binder box

box_binder f b boxes the binder b using the boxing function f. Note that when b is closed, it is immediately boxed using the box function. In that case, the function f is not used at all.

val box_mbinder : ('b -> 'b box) -> ('a, 'b) mbinder -> ('a, 'b) mbinder box

box_mbinder f b boxes the multiple binder b using the boxing function f. Note that if b is closed then it is immediately boxed (with box), without relying on f at all.

As mentioned earlier, terms with bound variables can only be built in the 'a box type. To ease the construction of terms, it is a good practice to implement “smart constructors” at the 'a box level. Coming back to our λ-calculus example, we can give the following smart constructors.

let var : term var -> term box =
  fun x -> box_var x

let abs_raw : (term, term) binder box -> term box =
  fun b -> box_apply (fun b -> Abs(b)) b

let abs : term var -> term box -> term box =
  fun x t -> abs_raw (bind_var x t)

let app : term box -> term box -> term box =
  fun t u -> box_apply2 (fun t u -> App(t,u)) t u 

Additionally, it is a good idea to define a “boxing function”: a function used to turn terms into a boxed terms. It is sometimes necessary to do so, as we will see when we define a printing function.

let rec box_term : term -> term box = fun t ->
  match t with
  | Var(x)   -> var x
  | Abs(b)   -> abs_raw (box_binder box_term b)
  | App(t,u) -> app (box_term t) (box_term u) 
val unbox : 'a box -> 'a

unbox e can be called when the construction of a term is finished (i.e., when the desired variable bindings have been created).

We can then easily define terms of the λ-calculus as follows.

(* λx.x *)
let id : term =
  let x = new_var "x" mkfree in
  unbox (abs x (var x))

(* λx.λy.x *)
let fst   : term =
  let x = new_var "x" mkfree in
  let y = new_var "y" mkfree in
  unbox (abs x (abs y (var x)))

(* λx.(x) x) (boxed) *)
let delta : term box =
  let x = new_var "x" mkfree in
  abs x (app (var x) (var x))

(* (λx.(x) x) λx.(x) x *)
let omega : term =
  unbox (app delta delta)

(* λx.(x) x) *)
let delta : term =
  unbox delta 

Working in a context and variable printing

For variable substitution to be as fast as possible, the Bindlib library does not do any work to maintain variable names at substitution time. This work is instead delayed until it becomes necessary: at the time of turning objects with binders into a textual representation (e.g., for printing the result of a computation). Such operations must hence maintain a context of variable names using the functions of this section.

type ctxt

Type of a context.

val empty_ctxt : ctxt

empty_ctxt denotes the empty context.

val free_vars : 'a box -> ctxt

free_vars b returns a context containing the free variables of b.

val reserve_name : string -> ctxt -> ctxt

reserve_name name ctxt extends context ctxt by reserving variable name name.

val new_var_in : ctxt -> ('a var -> 'a) -> string -> 'a var * ctxt

new_var_in ctxt mkfree name is similar to new_var mkfree name, but the name actually used for the newly created variable is chosen to not collide with the variables of context ctxt. Said otherwise, argument name only gives a preferred name: if it is not available then a fresh name is picked by appending a decimal number at the end of name. Moreover, the obtained variable has a name that is safe for printing (see name_of), at least as long as binders are not substituted in objects containing it. Finally, the context that is returned is extended to contain the new variable name.

val new_mvar_in : ctxt -> ('a var -> 'a) -> string array -> 'a mvar * ctxt

new_mvar_in ctxt mkfree names is similar to new_mvar mkfree names, but it handles renaming based on context ctxt (see new_var_in).

val unbind_in : ctxt -> ('a, 'b) binder -> 'a var * 'b * ctxt

unbind_in ctxt b is similar to unbind b, but it handles the context as explained in the documentation of new_mvar_in. This function can be used for maintaining correct names in printing functions: it is safe to use the name_of function on the returned variable (as long as no substitution is performed in the involved objects, see new_var_in).

val unbind2_in : ctxt -> ('a, 'b) binder -> ('a, 'c) binder -> 'a var * 'b * 'c * ctxt

unbind2_in ctxt f g is similar to unbind2 f g, but handles the context as explained in the documentation of new_mvar_in and unbind_in.

val unmbind_in : ctxt -> ('a, 'b) mbinder -> 'a mvar * 'b * ctxt

unmbind_in ctxt b is similar to unmbind b, but it handles the context as is explained in the documentation of new_mvar_in. As unbind_in, the unmbind_in function can be used to implement printing functions.

val unmbind2_in : ctxt -> ('a, 'b) mbinder -> ('a, 'c) mbinder -> 'a mvar * 'b * 'c * ctxt

unmbind2_in ctxt f g is similar to unmbind2 f g, but it uses a context similrly to new_mvar_in or unmbind_in.

Going back to our λ-calculus example, the unbind_in function can be used to implement the following function transforming a λ-term into a string. Here, thanks to the use of unbind_in, it is safe to rely on name_of to print variables.

let to_string : ctxt -> term -> string = fun ctxt t ->
  match t with
  | Var(x)   -> name_of x
  | Abs(b)   -> let (x,t,ctxt) = unbind_in ctxt b in
                "λ" ^ name_of x ^ "." ^ to_string ctxt t
  | App(t,u) -> "(" ^ to_string ctxt t ^ ") " ^ to_string ctxt u 

The above to_string must not only receive the term to display (i.e., the second argument), but also a context containing all free variables in the term. To avoid maintain such a context we can rely on function free_vars together with the term boxing function box_term defined earlier.

let to_string : term -> term = fun t ->
  to_string (free_vars (box_term t)) t 

More binding box manipulation functions

In general, it is not difficult to use the box and apply_box functions to manipulate any kind of data in the 'a box type. However, working with these functions alone can be tedious. The following functions can be used to manipulate standard data types in an optimised way.

val box_opt : 'a box option -> 'a option box

box_opt bo shifts the option type of bo into the box.

val box_list : 'a box list -> 'a list box

box_list bs shifts the list type of bs into the box.

val box_rev_list : 'a box list -> 'a list box

box_rev_list bs is similar to box_list bs, but the produced boxed list is reversed (it is hence more efficient).

val box_array : 'a box array -> 'a array box

box_array bs shifts the array type of bs into the box.

val box_apply3 : ('a -> 'b -> 'c -> 'd) -> 'a box -> 'b box -> 'c box -> 'd box

box_apply3 is similar to box_apply2.

val box_apply4 : ('a -> 'b -> 'c -> 'd -> 'e) -> 'a box -> 'b box -> 'c box -> 'd box -> 'e box

box_apply4 is similar to box_apply2 and box_apply3.

val box_pair : 'a box -> 'b box -> ('a * 'b) box

box_pair ba bb is the same as box_apply2 (fun a b -> (a,b)) ba bb.

val box_triple : 'a box -> 'b box -> 'c box -> ('a * 'b * 'c) box

box_triple is similar to box_pair, but for triples.

module type Map = sig ... end

Type of a module equipped with a map function.

module Lift (M : Map) : sig ... end

Functorial interface used to build lifting functions for any type equipped with a map function. In other words, this function can be used to allow the permutation of the 'a box type with another type constructor.

module type Map2 = sig ... end

Type of a module equipped with a "binary" map function.

module Lift2 (M : Map2) : sig ... end

Similar to the Lift functor, but handles "binary" map functions.

Attributes of variables and utilities

val hash_var : 'a var -> int

hash_var x computes a hash for variable x. Note that this function can be used with the Hashtbl module.

val compare_vars : 'a var -> 'b var -> int

compare_vars x y safely compares x and y. Note that it is unsafe to compare variables using

val eq_vars : 'a var -> 'b var -> bool

eq_vars x y safely computes the equality of x and y. Note that it is unsafe to compare variables with Stdlib.(=).

Attributes of binders and utilities

val binder_name : ('a, 'b) binder -> string

binder_name b returns the name of the variable bound by binder b. This name is generally not safe for printing, since it is not updated after the binder is created, even when a substitution is performed (see unbind_in and name_of to learn how to print terms with binders).

val binder_occur : ('a, 'b) binder -> bool

binder_occur b returns a boolean indicating if the variable bound by b occurs (i.e., is used). This is a constant time operation.

val binder_constant : ('a, 'b) binder -> bool

binder_constant b is the same as not (binder_occur b).

val binder_closed : ('a, 'b) binder -> bool

binder_closed b indicates whether the b is closed (i.e., does not have any free variables). This is a constant time operation.

val binder_rank : ('a, 'b) binder -> int

binder_rank b gives the number of free variables contained in b. This is a constant time operation.

val mbinder_arity : ('a, 'b) mbinder -> int

mbinder_arity b gives the arity of b (i.e., the number of variables it is binding). This is a constant time operation.

val mbinder_names : ('a, 'b) mbinder -> string array

mbinder_names b returns the names of the variables bound by the multiple binder b as an array. Similarly the result of binder_name, these names are not generally safe for printing.

val mbinder_occurs : ('a, 'b) mbinder -> bool array

mbinder_occurs b returns an array of booleans indicating whether each of the variables that are bound occur (i.e., are used). It is a constant time operation.

val mbinder_constant : ('a, 'b) mbinder -> bool

mbinder_constant b indicates whether the mbinder b is constant. This means that none of its variables are used.

val mbinder_closed : ('a, 'b) mbinder -> bool

mbinder_closed b indicates whether the multiple binder b is closed. It is a constant time operation.

val mbinder_rank : ('a, 'b) mbinder -> int

mbinder_rank b gives the number of free variables contained in b. This is a constant time operation.

Attributes of binding boxes and utilities

val is_closed : 'a box -> bool

is_closed b checks whether b is closed (in constant time).

val occur : 'a var -> 'b box -> bool

occur x b indicates whether variable x occurs in b. This is done in linear time with respect to the number of free variables in b.

val bind_apply : ('a, 'b) binder box -> 'a box -> 'b box

bind_apply bb barg is the same as box_apply2 subst bb barg.

val mbind_apply : ('a, 'b) mbinder box -> 'a array box -> 'b box

mbind_apply bb bargs is the same as box_apply2 msubst bb bargs.

Custom context and variable renaming

The variable renaming performed by functions like new_var_in is somewhat arbitrary, and may not fit every application. As a consequence, we provide a functor Ctxt that can be used to define a new renaming policy based on a custom notion of context and several configuration options.

module type Renaming = sig ... end

Module type giving the specification of a renaming policy, to be used with the Ctxt functor.

The renaming policy used by the default context-manipulating function like new_var_in or unbind_in uses the following configuration: the value of reset_context_for_closed_terms = false, skip_constant_binders = false, and constant_binder_name = None.

The default new_name function is not exposed in the interface. It splits the name into a pair (prefix,n) containing the largest n and longest prefix such that name = prefix ^ string_of_int n. For instance, if we have name = "xy023" then (prefix,n) = ("xy0",23). In the case where no n exists, we take (prefix,n) = (name,0). The prefix is preserved, and only the value of n is changed for renaming.

module Ctxt (R : Renaming) : sig ... end

A functor that can be used to obtain context-manipulating functions, given the specification of a renaming policy. The defined ctxt type as well as the obtained functions can then be used as a drop-in replacement for their default counterparts (found at the top level of the Bindlib module).

Unsafe, advanced features

val uid_of : 'a var -> int

uid_of x returns the unique identifier of the given variable.

val uids_of : 'a mvar -> int array

uids_of xs returns the unique identifiers of the variables of xs.

val copy_var : 'b var -> ('a var -> 'a) -> string -> 'a var

copy_var x mkfree name makes a copy of variable x, with a potentially different name and mkfree function. However, the copy is treated exactly as the original in terms of binding and substitution. The main application of this function is for translating abstract syntax trees while preserving binders. In particular, variables at two different types should never live together (this may produce segmentation faults).

val reset_counter : unit -> unit

reset_counter () resets the unique identifier counter on which Bindlib relies. This function should only be called when previously generated data (e.g., variables) cannot be accessed anymore.

val dummy_box : 'a box

dummy_box can be used for initialising structures like arrays. Note that if unbox is called on a data structure containing dummy_box, then the exception Failure "Invalid use of dummy_box" is raised.

val binder_compose : ('a, 'b) binder -> ('b -> 'c) -> ('a, 'c) binder

binder_compose b f postcomposes the binder b with the function f. In the process, the binding structure is not changed. Note that this function is not always safe. Use it with care.

val mbinder_compose : ('a, 'b) mbinder -> ('b -> 'c) -> ('a, 'c) mbinder

mbinder_compose b f postcomposes the multiple binder b with f. This function is similar to binder_compose, and it is not always safe.

val raw_binder : string -> bool -> int -> ('a var -> 'a) -> ('a -> 'b) -> ('a, 'b) binder

raw_binder name bind rank mkfree value builds a binder using the value function as its definition. The parameter name correspond to a preferred name of the bound variable, the boolean bind indicates whether the bound variable occurs, and rank gives the number of distinct free variables in the produced binder. The mkfree function injecting variables in the type 'a of the domain of the binder must also be given. This function must be considered unsafe because it is the responsibility of the user to give the accurate value for bind and rank.

val raw_mbinder : string array -> bool array -> int -> ('a var -> 'a) -> ('a array -> 'b) -> ('a, 'b) mbinder

raw_mbinder names binds rank mk_free value is similar to raw_binder, but it is applied to a multiple binder. As for raw_binder, this function has to be considered unsafe because the user must enforce invariants.


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