package git-unix

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type error = [
  1. | `Unexpected_end_of_input
  2. | `Unexpected_chunk of string
  3. | `PDec of PDec.error
val pp_error : error Fmt.t
type delta =
  1. | Unresolved of {
    1. hash : Hash.t;
    2. length : int;
  2. | Internal of {
    1. hash : Hash.t;
    2. abs_off : int64;
    3. length : int;
  3. | Delta of {
    1. hunks_descr : HDec.hunks;
    2. inserts : int;
    3. depth : int;
    4. from : delta;
val needed : delta -> int
val pp_delta : delta Fmt.t
type path =
  1. | Load of int
  2. | Patch of {
    1. hunks : int;
    2. target : int;
    3. src : path;
type 'a t = {
  1. index : (Hash.t, Checkseum.Crc32.t * int64 * int) Stdlib.Hashtbl.t;
  2. delta : (int64, delta) Stdlib.Hashtbl.t;
  3. hash_pack : Hash.t;
  4. state : 'a;
} constraint 'a = [< `Pass | `Normalized of path | `Resolved of path ]
val v : Hash.t -> [ `Pass ] t
val normalize : length:int -> [ `Pass ] t -> [ `Normalized of path ] t
val resolve : length:int -> [ `Normalized of path ] t -> [ `Resolved of path ] t
val first_pass : ztmp:Cstruct.t -> window:Inflate.window -> ?idx:(Hash.t -> (Checkseum.Crc32.t * int64) option) -> (unit -> Cstruct.t option Lwt.t) -> ([ `Normalized of path ] t, error) Stdlib.result Lwt.t

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