package sodium

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

A binding to libsodium which wraps NaCl

exception Verification_failure

Raised when message authentication fails.

exception Size_mismatch of string

Raised when attempting to deserialize a malformed key, nonce, or attempting to use a bad hash length.

exception Already_finalized of string

Raised when attempting to finalize an already finalized stream state.

type public

Phantom type indicating that the key is public.

type secret

Phantom type indicating that the key is secret.

type channel

Phantom type indicating that the key is composed of a secret key and a public key. Such a key must be treated as a secret key.

type bigbytes = (char, Stdlib.Bigarray.int8_unsigned_elt, Stdlib.Bigarray.c_layout) Stdlib.Bigarray.Array1.t
module Random : sig ... end
module Box : sig ... end
module Scalar_mult : sig ... end
module Sign : sig ... end
module Password_hash : sig ... end
module Secret_box : sig ... end
module Stream : sig ... end
module Auth : sig ... end
module One_time_auth : sig ... end
module Hash : sig ... end
module Generichash : sig ... end
val initialized : bool

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